Chapter 2 Mole Meets Toad
One warm summer morning, Rat and Mole sat on the river bank.
“Ratty,” said Mole.“Can we visit Toad?You told me a lot of things about him. I'd like to meet him.”
“Of course, Mole,” answered Rat. “Get the boat out and we'll go now. Toad likes visitors. He'll be very happy when he sees us.”
“Is Toad nice?” asked Mole when they were in the boat.
“Yes, he is—very nice. Not very clever, perhaps, and sometimes he talks too much, but he's a good Toad.”
A short time later, they saw Toad Hall from the river. It was a big, old house with a beautiful garden. Toad had many fine boats. They left their little boat with Toad's boats.
“Let's go and find Toad,” said Rat.
They found Toad in the garden. He jumped up when he saw them.
“Ratty! I wanted to see you and here you are,” he cried.
“Toad, this is my friend, Mole,” said Rat. “Let's sit quietly for a minute. Isn't this a beautiful place, Mole?”
Before Mole could answer, Toad cried, “Yes, it's the finest house on the river—or anywhere!”
Mole looked at Rat and laughed. Toad saw this and his face turned red.
“I know I always talk about my house, Ratty. But it is a nice house. Now, I want you to help me.”
“Is it about your boats?” asked Rat.
“Oh, no!” said Toad.“Boats are boring. I've got a new idea—something better than boats. Come with me and I'll show you.” He took Rat and Mole to the back of the house.
“There!” he said. “That's my new life!” He showed them a beautiful red and yellow caravan.“I'm going to go everywhere in that caravan. I'll go to a new place every day. Come inside and see! Everything is there.”
Rat didn't want to go inside the caravan, but Mole was very excited. Toad showed him everything—the kitchen, the little beds, the books, the games, the food. “I've got everything,” he said.“When we start this afternoon, you'll see.”
“Toad,” said Rat slowly. “Did you say ‘we' and ‘start' and ‘this afternoon'? Because I'm not leaving my river and my house and my boat. I'm not going anywhere. And Mole doesn't want to go...”
“No, no, I don't,” said Mole quietly. But he really wanted to go. He was in love with the little red and yellow caravan.
Rat didn't want to hurt his friend, so he said,“Shall we think about it?”
“Yes,” said Toad. “Let's think about it at lunch. You will stay for lunch?”
At lunch, Toad talked about his plans, and Mole got more and more excited about the caravan. In the end, Rat said, “Toad, we'll come with you. But only for a short journey. Only a day or two.”