Lesson Eleven
Key phrases & Expressions 关键短语和表达方式:
come across 偶遇,偶然发现,被人理解,给人印象
come down to 归根到底,归结为,传到手
come true(愿望,梦想)实现,变成现实
come up with 想出,提出,拿出钱款
When she cleared her drawer,she came across some of her late mother's old photos.
——Then what happened?She is such a sentimental girl.Did she cry out?
Is it likely that I will come across a hacker when shopping on line?
——Anyhow you should be careful when you present your personal information for which encryption is absolutely necessary.
I keep on putting weights after having child.
——Many women come across the same situations as you.You should take care.It's not about your beauty,but about your health.
An outline?Is that the same thing as a road map?
——No,they're similar,but the difference is that a road map presents different paths you could take.It would be useful when you set every possible plan or guideline for a goal,but when it comes down to writing the paper,you really need an outline
There are some classes where all the cars have to have the same type of engines or,at least,the same size of engine.
——That's right.Then it really comes down to the skill of the drivers.Those competitors are run on an equal basis.
A sports team or individual athlete all have one thing in common.That is,they all have a coach.And,it's easy to maintain that the coach is the most important person to that team or athlete.Do you agree with that?
——I don't know,professor.I mean,it really comes down to the skill of the athletes to determine whether a team wins or loses.Sure,the coach can implement some strategies.
I hope one day human beings can get rid of cancer forever.
——Countries should co-operate on related area in order to make further progress.Your dream will come true one day.
I wish all offspring would be handsome boys or beautiful girls.
——Actually,it can come true through genetic screening.
That's not easy for you.Then you sat together with the children to learn drawing.Don't feel embarrassed?
——I felt embarrassed at the beginning,but then I got used to it later.I told myself.I came here to make my dream come true.Go your own way regardless of what people might say.
It was a great advance in human society when people started to keep domestic animals.
——The first one who came up with this idea must have been simply a genius.
Cool,but what if the weather isn't ideal?
——You could take her to the art museum or a cafe.Certainly I must come up with something you can use.How do you like the ideas I've given you.
“Slow Food”sounds really interesting!Who first came up with this idea of“slow food”?
——In the 80s,a few Italians established a“Slow Food Society”as a way of boycotting fast food.The group started the“slow food”movement to protest fast food,and now the movement has over 10,000 followers worldwide.
Notes to the text 课文注释:
late mother已故的母亲;sentimental girl多情伤感的女孩;anyhow无论如何;encryption加密传输;to keep on putting weight不断长肥;it's not about your beauty,but about your health这不是与你的美貌,而是与你的健康有关系;outline提纲;road map路线图;similar(=same)相同,相似;path途经;guideline行动纲领,指导方针;goal目标,球门;engine发动机;it really comes down to the skill of the driver这就要(靠)归结到车手的技术了;skill技艺;those competitors are run on an equal basis这些选手都在同样的基准上竞赛;competitor选手,对手;on an equal basis同样的基准上;a sports team or individual athlete all have one thing in common运动队或个体运动员有一点是相同的;athlete运动员;in common相同;individual个体的;coach指导,教练;to maintain坚持认为,保持;to determine判断;to implement some strategies落实(执行)一些策略;strategy策略;human beings人类;to get rid of去掉,消除;cancer癌症;to co-operate on related area在相关领域合作;offspring后代;genetic screening基因筛选;to screen筛选(screen屏幕,touch screen触摸屏);to feel embarrassed感到难堪(狼狈);to go your own way regardless of what people might say走自己的路,不管别人怎么说;regardless of不管;great advance in human society人类社会一大进步;human society人类社会;domestic animals家禽;domestic非野生的,国内的;simply a genius简直就是个天才;genius天才;ideal理想的;art museum艺术博物馆;“Slow Food”慢餐运动;Italian意大利;to establish建立;society社团,社会;as a way of boycotting fast food作为抵制快餐的方法;to boycott抵制;movement运动;to protest抗议;follower追随者;worldwide全球
Practice 练习
Oral Translation 口头汉译英:
写论文(essay)确实是一件艰难的(tough)任务,当你开始选项时(to choose a topic),就很头疼。然后你要看一大堆书(a pile of),收集你所需要的资料。当你要开始动笔写时,你会不知道从那儿写起。其实(actually),你需要先写一个提纲(outline),提纲就跟你旅游时所用的路线图(road map)一样,只不过路线图向你展示的是到达目的地的不同路径。归根到底(to come down to)要写一篇论文需要先写提纲。
头一个想到“快餐”的人一定是个天才(genius),但是头一个想到“慢餐”的也是天才。现在人们的工作都非常繁忙,快餐是他们的最好选择,因此,快餐就在各国大行其道。其实,许多科学家都在质疑(are doubting whether)快餐是否对人的健康有益(is beneficial to)。许多人参加了“慢餐社团(slow food society)”,以抵制和抗议快餐。他们认为,与朋友们享受慢餐和在匆忙之中(in a hurry)吃快餐是完全(entirely)不同的。
Paragraphs Recitation 背诵英语口语短文:
Usually it is possible to return or exchange defective(有缺陷的)items or clothing that does not fit.Be sure to return them as soon as possible,within a week,and always bring the receipt(收据).If you come across things like exchange or complaint(投诉),you need to show the receipt.If the store does not have another item like the one you want,the clerk may offer to give you something similar.He will probably offer you a more expensive version(贵的那一款)and you will have to pay the difference(差价).If you don't want that item,ask for a cheaper one or to get your money back.
During the afternoon we were given a tour of the Moscow underground which is very famous for its beautiful decorations(装饰).The underground stations(地下站台)are very deep and the escalators(自动扶梯)seemed to go on for ever,but eventually we either got down to where we needed to be or up at the next station.The times that we got lost on one or two occasions(场合)and were looking helplessly(无助地)at a map and not understanding the language,several people would come up and help us on our way.It was all done by sign language(手势)but they gave us clear instructions(指引).We normally found our way after that.