Lesson Seven
Key phrases & Expressions 关键短语和表达方式:
believe it or not 信不信由你
blame for(blame no one but)责怪,归咎于(感到自责,只怪是)
break down 停止运转,出故障,谈判失败,婚姻破裂
break up with(情侣)分手,解除婚姻
Where is the groom?He ought to turn up an hour ago.The bride is waiting anxiously!
——Believe it or not,he saved a drowning boy two hours ago on his way and returned home for a shower and laundry.
Believe it or not,I once talked with Mark on Facebook.We've talked a lot,and he is really cute.
——Mark?You mean Mark Zuckerberg?You must be kidding.It must be someone who pretends to be him.
Marie,it must be a headache for you to send your little girl to the kindergarten every morning.
——Not at all.She enjoys going to kindergarten,believe it or not.
We should not make so much noise any more.The landlord is always blaming us for the noise these days.
——Of course,we could as long as you stop shouting at me.
People in some EU member countries think the euro made them more European,they've lost some of their own traditional features already.
——Do you think euro should be blamed for that?
It was careless for me to lose you pay-check.I blame no one but myself.
——That's OK.I'm sure you'll write me a new one soon.Everyone makes mistakes.
My cellphone just broke down.
——Give it to me.I will have a look.Oh,poor thing does not work anymore.I'm afraid that you have to get yourself another cellphone.
I remember your air-con got repaired last week.
——Yes,but it doesn't work again.The air-con has broken down from time to time.It seems that I have to buy a new one.
I can assure you,service on items we sell won't be a problem.We only deal in quality products and seldom have any trouble.
——Well,that's good,but what happens if it does break down?Do you replace it or send someone out to repair it?
Come on.For a man who's so down,there's usually two reasons.Either his career is going downhill,or he has a broken heart.You're so successful,so...
——Well,you're right.I just broke up with Monica.
Regarding your boyfriend,what do you think would make you happier?
——In the long run,I think breaking up with him would make me much happier,but I know that I'll be depressed about it for a few weeks first.
One person in Beijing?How about your girlfriend?
——Oh,we had to break up because she didn't want to float around Beijing.She insisted on working in her hometown and having a stable life.
Notes to the text 课文注释:
groom新郎;to turn up出现;bride新娘;drowning boy淹水的男孩;to drown淹死,浸泡;Shower淋浴,冲凉;laundry换洗衣服;Facebook脸书;cute很可爱;Mark Zuckerberg马克·扎克伯格;kidding开玩笑;it must be someone who pretends to be him一定有人假冒了他;to pretend假装,自称;headache头痛,头痛的事;kindergarten幼儿园;Landlord业主,地主;to shout at骂人,对人喊叫;EU member countries欧盟会员国;the euro made them more european欧元使他们变得更欧化了;traditional features传统的特色;careless粗心的;pay-check支付支票;to get repaired修理好了;from time to time不时,时时;service on items we sell won't be a problem我们售出的商品,维修没有问题;item物件;to deal in经营;to replace更换;to send someone out to repair it派人去修;for a man who's so down对一个男人来说,他是如此沮丧;downhill走下坡路;broken heart失恋,伤心;regarding至于,有关;in the long(short)run从长远(短期)说来;depressed沮丧的;to float around Beijing在北京漂流(北漂);to float漂流,漂浮;to insist on坚持;to have a stable life过稳定的生活
Practice 练习
Oral Translation 口头汉译英:
不管你信不信,广东人喜欢说“上火了”(to get fire inside)。如果某人(somebody)太忙了,没有休息好;如果某人喝得太多,又吃了大量肉和海鲜。他会感到头痛或者牙痛,他就会说,他上火了。其实,他是感冒了,或者他受到某种感染(to be infected)。他应该好好休息,多喝一点水。他应该喝点凉茶(herbal tea),吃点清淡的(clear and light)食物。然而,最重要的是(the most important is...),他应该戒酒和戒烟,这样,他很快就会恢复过来(to make a quick recovery)。
昨天是星期天,也是我的生日。我的父母为了举办了(to hold)生日派对,邀请我们的亲戚和朋友。我们供应(to provide)自助晚餐(buffet supper),还有各种饮料和水果。当然,我们也切了生日蛋糕,大家都唱了生日歌,我感到非常快乐。最后一道菜(course)供应的是我的最爱——巧克力冰淇淋。但是,问题是,我们家的冰箱坏了,冰淇淋都已经溶化了(to melt)。我感到很沮丧(to feel depressed),但这又能怪(to blame)谁呢?
Paragraphs Recitation 背诵英语口语短文:
Believe it or not,nearly all“lightning marriage”(闪婚)occur(发生)in cities,and they are common among young white collar professionals(白领专业人士).The popularity(流行)of online dating(网上约会),one-night stands(一夜情),speed dating and lightning marriage reflects(反映)a culture where speed is everything.The traditional concept(概念)of marriage was more about responsibility.The modern concept of marriage is more about emotion(情感)than responsibility.Lightning marriage meet a certain group's requirements,they suit a certain group's nature(本性).Lightning marriage is their method of choice.You could say it is their creation(创新).
Driving at night you should always be alert(警惕)when walking to your car and check the rear seat(后座)of your car before getting in.Now,once inside your car,get into the habit of locking(锁)the doors.Always keep the windows up and the doors locked,especially if you are traveling alone.If at all possible,steer clear(驶离)of isolated(偏僻的)roads after dark.Even with all the hi-tech communication devices(通信工具)we have today,many serious crimes(罪案)are committed(犯下)on lonely back roads(背街).Make sure your vehicle is sound and you have adequate(充足的)fuel in the tank.If your vehicle does break down in a lonely spot(点),list the bonnet(支起引擎盖)and lock yourself inside the car and call for help on your mobile phone.