外商直接投资(Foreign Direct Investment, FDI)威胁东道国产业安全问题一直是国内外学者研究的一个热点。但是FDI引致东道国产业风险的方式和路径错综复杂,涉及经济、制度、文化、体制等众多因素。目前各种基于内外影响因素进行的产业控制和产业安全的测度和评价研究,由于受指标选择的系统性、相关性、可测性、科学性、规范性等方面的制约,难以把握问题的实质,严重影响了评价的准确性和一致性,常常出现控制之名与控制之实不相符的现象。我们对外资产业控制的研究必须改变视角。调研中我们发现不同经济类型的外资企业在组织结构、产业布局和风险特征上存在较大差异,跨国投资者出于管理和协调的考虑所关注的区位因素也存在差别,但其根本目的是获得产业掌控力,通过产品定价权实现财富控制,通过产业链整合实现对产业发展进程和发展方向的控制。基于此,本书研究的出发点是从更加具体的产业组织、产业结构和产业布局行为操控上来分析外资企业对产品定价权和产业链构建的控制效应,并就如何实施FDI产业全息动态监控提出针对性的建议。
关键词:外商直接投资 产业控制力 定价权 产业链构建 监控系统
How foreign direct investment(FDI)threat the industry security of host country has always been a research topic for domestic and foreign scholars. But when and how FDI damage occur is complex, which involves various aspects such as economy, society, culture, industrial regulatory regime, and so on. At present all kinds of measure and evaluation research for industry security are based on the internal and external related factors. But due to the selected index are lack of normalization, scientificity and unification, the evaluation often lack accuracy and consistency, which mislead the supervision and policy formulation for FDI. So it is necessary for researchers to design a scientific method to assess industry safety and build up an operable system to effectively supervise FDI. Our study intends to do such work to explore the mechanism of FDI controlling industry of host country, find the characteristics of FDI affecting Chinese industry development, devise an effective evaluation system to assess FDIs' industry controlling power, and design a regulatory system for FDI in China. The main work includes:
(1)To analyze FDIs'industrial behavior characteristics in China. Based on a questionnaire from the microscopic enterprises, FDIs'motivation, FDIs'scales and correlated factors which affected FDIs' flows were illustrated. The investigation give us new insights into the FDIs' behaviors to seize market share, vie for pricing power, and FDIs' industrial control powers. Further analysis for the FDI structure reveals the different types of foreign investment enterprise have different degree's response to the FDI policy of host country, by which it can be inferred what kind of enterprise are more susceptible to FDI policy adjustments.
(2)To explore the mechanism of FDI controlling industry of host country. We build up a theoretical analysis framework of FDIs' industrial controlling power, that is, “controlling on industrial organization-controlling on industrial structure-controlling on industry layout-pricing power&controlling on industrial chain”. The mechanism of FDIs' industrial organization controlling means FDI dominants market structure by taking the advantage of its large scale, governs market operation by its leading technology, and manipulates market performance by its famous brands. The malicious control of FDI for industrial organization will break the effective competition among enterprises within the industry, as a result, the industrial organization's operating is no longer efficiency.
The mechanism of FDI controlling on industrial structure involves two channels: one is to control the process of rationalization of industrial structure by investment inclination; the other is to control the pace of industrial structure upgrading by technology spillover and the industrial chain effect. FDIs' malicious control for industrial structure will lead to low-end products prevalence, bring tremendous resource waste, and kill domestic enterprises technology innovation and creativity, and competition awareness. In the long run, industrial development will run inefficiency and unsustainable.
FDI inflows can change the local conditions of transportation and logistics network, change the market profit margins, and thus change the industry lay-out. FDIs' malicious control for industrial layout will deteriorate the local geographical conditions, deter the formation and development of the industry cluster district, inhibit the polarization and limit the proliferation of a regional economic development, which will restrict the industrial concentration, constrain the industrial structure optimization, and weaken the ability of the industry to response market adjustment. FDI achieves industrial controlling power by manipulating the industrial organization, industrial structure and industrial layout, which embodies to a certain extent the product pricing power and industrial chain integration and extension. Further, FDI uses the product pricing power to control the survival of the industry, and organizes the industrial chain reconfiguration to control the industrial development of the host countries.
(3)On the basis of above theoretical analysis, following the general principles of completeness, rationality and feasibility, systematic, dynamics, measurability, this book select 16 variables to compose an index as accurately as possible to assess the FDI controlling level on industrial organization, industrial structure, industry layout, pricing power and industrial chain reconfiguration. Whether the composite index would evaluate correctly and accurately the FDI industry controlling level not only depends on the appropriation and their sizes of the various choose indicators, also depends on the weight of each indicator which reflects its relative importance in the comprehensive evaluation. We design a VAR model used to calculate the weight of each indicator following the ideology that“the assessment of FDI industrial controlling power should based upon how much it can affect the resource allocation, input and output transformation, and growth of the industry”. The critical boundary of FDI industrial control level is also defined. The empirically results of FDI controlling power of typital industries of China is consistent with the reality.
(4)To study the relationship between FDI investment timing and the industrial ecological status using a survival model. The results show that FDI risk function(probability)increases with prolonging period of time, and has a long-term upward trend. FDI scale in China, market potential, the industrial chain integration degree, the open degree to the outside world, and FDI enterprises' itself specialization advantages all can affect FDI inflows to China.
(5)To devise a holographic dynamic supervision system for FDI. Based on system theory, information technology and cybernetics, using Internet as a productive tool, a FDI holographic dynamic supervision system for industry security is designed. The system input is the information variables describing FDI enterprises' production and management behaviors, the output is industry damage degree/industry security degree, the system operation procedures include information collection, storage, filter, sorting, hazards monitoring and feed-back management of risk control to realize the safe operation of the industry and/or minimizing industrial injuries.
Keywords: Foreign Direct Investment(FDI); Industrial Controlling Power; Pricing Power; Industrial Chain Reconfiguration; FDI Monitoring;Controlling System