The process,in which the Chinese car industry changes from big to strong,has caused many problems and aroused hot discussion. The discussion can mainly divide into following aspects:the first one is that how the investment idea of using the market charge for technology and the joint venture mode influences the technological progress of China’s domestic technology;the second one is that if strengthening the independent research is the only way to promote the technological progress of enterprises in our country and the development of independent intellectual property rights of automobile industry. In the aspect of theory,compared with the study of economic progress in a closed economic system,the endogenous economic growth in open economy system needs further study,and most of the existing theories focus on the macroscopically technology progress,but there is little research on enterprise technological progress,especially the FDI spillover and the progress of enterprises’ technology under the condition of open economy,in the aspect of absorptive capacity. At present,most study of the international technology spillover is based on the macro level,there is little based on the micro level,which may cause by availability of the data. From the “technology spillover recipient” absorptive capacity aspect,the paper explores the transmission mechanism of the absorptive capacity and the introduction of technology of Chinese domestic automobile enterprise based on the micro level,then study how the international technology spillover influence the progress of domestic automobile enterprises in china.
The paper selects the China’s automobile enterprises as the research object. From the aspect of the absorption capacity of the domestic automobile enterprises,the paper theoretically and empirically analyzes the path of automobile enterprise technology progress in China. Under the condition of open economy,the technology progress path of China’s automobile enterprises mainly include the following three aspects:independent innovation,technology introduction and international technology diffusion. Based on the idea of “theoretical analysis,empirical analysis,policy suggestion”,the paper discusses the influence of independent innovation,technology introduction,FDI technology spillover on the progress of China’s automobile industry. Firstly,in order to have a more comprehensive understanding of the Chinese automobile enterprise technology progress,the paper adopts DEA-Malmquist productivity index to analyze the total factor productivity of China’s auto industry (TFP) and elaborate the gap between the domestic and foreign auto enterprise from the aspect of the industry and ownership. Secondly,the paper studies the relationship between the independent innovation and technological progress in China’s automobile industry,and through building the model testing how the China’s automobile industry R&D output elasticity and the introduction of foreign R&D technology influences the automobile industry technological progress. Thirdly,the paper also studies the relationship between FDI technology spillovers and technology progress from the aspect of absorptive capability of domestic auto industry,and the FDI technology spillovers is studied from the perspective of different types of industry and inner industry. The paper empirically tests the China’s automobile industry’s technology spillovers effects of FDI mainly on the level of different types of enterprises in the inner industry,and studies the FDI technology spillover channels. Based on the aspects of domestic automobile enterprises absorb capacity,the paper also studies the recognition of the influence factors of FDI technology spillover. At last,the paper presents the main conclusion,and combing with the current situation of industry of automobile of our country,the paper proposes countermeasures about how to promote China’s auto industry’s progress especially the domestic ones on the bases of empirical research.
The conclusions are as follows:(1) the technical progress is obvious of China automobile industry,so does the industry heterogeneity and the ownership of enterprise heterogeneity. On the whole,the average annual growth rate of TFP is 9.1% during the year of 1994-2010. The growth of TFP is mainly due to the pure growth of technological progress and the low technical efficiency contribution,but the improvement of technical efficiency is mainly due to the scale efficient;From the aspect of time trend,the growth rate of China’s auto industry TFP is positiveafter China’s entry into the WTO,and maintains a high growth rate each year. From the view of industry,the growth rate of automobile industry TFP is the highest,followed by motorcycle,engine industry and the automobile,the last one is the motorcycle parts industry;From the view of technical efficiency,China’s auto industryis on the state of technical inefficiency;From the view of ownership,growth rate of foreign investment enterprises TFP is the highest,followed by state-owned enterprises;(2) Independent innovation has a significant effect on the automobile industry technological progress. R&D output elasticity case is 0.6354 on the condition of Constant returns to scale;R&D output elasticity case is 0.6460,and the value is significantthe at the level of 1%. R&D output elasticity is higher 10% than material capital output elasticity;(3) The introduction of technology has a significant role in promoting the technological of the automobile industry. The R&D absorption capacity has a negative effect on the introduction of direct technical. The reason why interaction terms of R&D and the introduction of foreign technology has a significant negative effect on productivity growth of China’s automobile industry is that the absorption capacity of R&D is low;(4) FDI has a significant technology spillover effect on the whole automobile industry in China,However,R&D investment does not have an obvious effect on FDI Technology Spillover,but the R&D human capital does;(5) Thecrowding-out effect of FDI to inward-owned auto companies is over the spillover the spillover effect. Through the effect of human capital,the foreign auto company has spillover effect on domestic automobile industry in China. The expand of the gap between foreign and domestic auto companies is not conducive to FDI technology spillover,and increasing the investment of human capita in domestic auto company can contribute to the FDI technology spillover,while,the contribution of increasing the R&Dinvestment is not obvious;(6)The main sources of technological progress of China’s automobile industry respectively are:the introduction technology,FDI overflow and independent research and development. Though the introduction of technology and FDI spillovers are the main source of technological progress of China’s automobile industry,it is independent innovation that can improve the technological progress of China’s automobile industry the international division of labor status,therefore,the key to the upgrading of China’s automobile industry is to mining and foster internal motivation,rather than relying on the introduction technology and FDI spillovers.
The paper has certain theoretical and practical value. On the theoretical aspect,the paper riches the research of growth theory on the condition of open economic system;on the practical aspect,making the full use of this theory to the micro car company can contributes to the technological progress of domestic-owned automobile enterprise and the nurturing and development of the auto industry of China’s own intellectual property rights on the condition of open economic system. But the paper also has some shortcomings,such as ignoring the import trade overflow’s effect on technological progress of China’s automobile industry. Lacking of data based on the auto industry FDI,the accuracy of the study about the relationship between FDI technology spillover and technological progress of the automobile industry needs further study.
Keywords:Independent Innovation,FDI Technology Spillover,Technological Advances,Auto Industry Upgrading