Our little Pat
Was chasing the cat
And kicking the kittens about.
When mother said “Quit! ”
He ran off to sit
On the top of the woodpile and pout;
But a sly little grin
Soon slid down his chin
And let all the sulkiness out.

[NOTES] This rhyme is about the bad things boys do.This boy is named Pat and he runs after the cat. He hurts the baby cats. Mother tells the boy to stop. He runs away from mother. Pat sits on some wood and feels unhappy. Soon he has another bad idea. This makes him smile and Pat feels happy when he thinks of how he can next be bad.
kicking—hitting with the foot
kittens—baby cats
to pout—to feel unhappy and stick the lower lip out
grin—small smile
slid—past tense of slide, go down
sulkiness—to be in a bad mood and not talk to anyone