
第四章 产业融合与制造业服务化

一 引言

随着消费者需求的变化、经济全球化、竞争加剧和技术进步,产业之间的边界日渐模糊,特别是制造和服务之间的融合日益加深,以一体化解决方案为代表的制造业服务化趋势日益流行,IBM、罗尔斯等企业通过向一体化解决方案转型,重新获得了竞争优势,改善了财务绩效。随着企业转型的成功,学术界的研究讨论也逐渐深入。Vandermerwe最先提出制造业服务化的概念,Vandermerwe, S. and J. Rada., “Servitization of Business: Adding Value by Adding Service”, European Management Journal,1998(4).指出制造业服务化是指企业以顾客为中心,提供更加完整的“包”(bundles),包括物品、服务、支持、自我服务和知识等,而White将服务化定义为制造商的角色由物品提供者向服务提供者转变White, A. L., Stoughton, M., Feng, L., Servicizing: the Quiet Transition to Extended Product Responsibility, Boston: Tellus Institute, 1999.,从业务视角来看,制造业服务化是联合顾客创造价值或改变市场规模、收入方式的服务创新,是制造企业为了满足顾客需求而提供产品相关服务或整体解决方案的商业模式创新。Visnjic, I. & Van Looy, B., “Revisiting Servitization: When is Service Oriented Business Model Innovation Effective? ”, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Chicago(USA), 7-11 August,2009.一体化解决方案是制造业服务化的一种表现形式。Stremersch等认为整体解决方案提供综合包(产品和/或服务)为充分满足客户对特定的事件或问题的愿望和需求。Stremersch, Stefan, Wuyts, Stefan and Frambach, Ruud T., “The Purchasing of Full-Service Contracts: an Exploratory Study within the Industrial Maintenance Market”, Industrial Marketing Management, Vol.30, 2001.关于一体化解决方案的因素可分为三类:经济因素,即产品服务系统能够获得稳定、高边际收益的收入;Gebauer, H. and Friedli, T., “Behavioural Implications of the Transition Process from Products to Services”, Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, Vol.20, No.2,2005.竞争优势因素,即通过服务化获得差异化竞争优势Gebauer, H. and Fleisch, E., “An Investigation of the Relationship between Behavioural Processes, Motivation, Investments in the Service Business and Service Revenue”, Industrial Marketing Management, Vol.36,2007.或通过附加服务销售更多的产品Mathieu, V., “Service Strategies within the Manufacturing Sector: Benefits, Costs and Partnership, ”International Journal of Service Industry Management, Vol.12, 2001.并获得顾客忠诚度Corrêa, H. L., Ellram, L. M., Scavarda, A. and Cooper, M., “An Operations Management View of the Services and Goods Offering Mix”, Internacional Journal of Operations and Production Managemen, Vol.27, No.5, 2007.等;顾客因素,顾客的需求越来越复杂,需要企业做出应对。案例研究是一体化解决方案的重要研究方法,如Alstom提供维修、升级、操作培训和信号系统服务,Ericsson提供设计、建造和运营移动电话网络Davies, A., “Moving Base into High-Value Integrated Solutions: a Value Stream Approach”, Industrial and Corporate Change, Vol.13, No.5,2004., Xerox International提供文档管理服务并按打印量收费Mont, O., “Introducing and Developing a PSS in Sweden”, IIIEE, Lund University, 2001., Oce’提供打印设备的设计、交付和定价整体解决方案Filippo Visintin, “Providing Integrated Solutions in the Professional Printing Industry: The Case of Oce, ”Computers in Industry, 2012(63).以及资本品制造业Romeo Bandinelli, Valentina Gamberi, “Servitization in Oil and Gas Sector: Outcomes of a Case Study Research”, Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, Vol.23, 2012.的研究。Brady10 Brady, T., Davies, A. and Gann, D. M., “Creating Value by Delivering Integrated Solutions”, International Journal of Project Management, Vol.23, 2005.10指出,企业提供整体解决方案,需要拓展系统整合、商务咨询、人力资源管理、基础设施支撑、运营和财务能力等;Saara等1 Saara Kujala, Jaakko Kujala, Virpi Turkulainen, Karlos Arttoa, Pertti Aaltonen, Kim Wikström,“Factors Influencing the Choice of Solution-Specific Business Models”, International Journal of Project Management,2011(29).1将整体解决方案分为交易项目主提供、项目主导方案和全生命周期解决方案三类,并分析选择的依据,即客户的结构、客户的技能水平、项目需要客户掌握知识复杂度、供应商的营销方式、客户的核心商务流程与财务资源,以及客户、供应商的组织结构等。本研究从产业融合的视角分析一体化解决方案的内涵、驱动力和主要模式,并利用多案例研究方法进行比较分析,并提出推动制造服务化的对策建议。