1.7 注释及文献
[1] Ibid., pp. [D9]134~136.
[2] 39 U.S.Statutes 948.Act of March 1,1917.
[3] 41 U.S.Statutes 1354(1921);42 U.S.Statutes 146(1921); and 42 U.S.Statutes 171(1921).
[4] 43 U.S.Statutes 249(1924).
[5] 43 U.S.Statutes 961(1924).
[6] 43 U.S.Statutes 1000(1925).
[7] 44 U.S.Statutes 300(1926).
[8] 44 U.S.Statutes 1010(1927).
[9] 45 U.S.Statutes 534(1928).
[10] 49 U.S.Statutes 1570.Act of June 22,1936.
[11] 48 U.S.Statutes 58.
[12] 47 U.S.Statutes 802(1933).
[13] 48 U.S.Statutes 991(1933).
[14] 49 U.S.Statutes 660.Act of August 19,1935.
[15] 49 U.S.Statutes 1306.War Department Appropriation Act of May 15,1936.
[16] 52 U.S.Statutes 1215.Act of June 28,1938.
[17] Oklahoma ex rel.Phillips v.Atkinson Co.et al.,313 U.S.508(1940).
[18] Public Land Statutes of the United States,1931, pp.641 et seq.
[19] Colorado Laws of 1922.
[20] New Mexico Laws of 1923, c.140 and New Mexico Laws of 1927, c.45.
[21] Acts of 1918, Art.8194.Vernon's Texas Statutes,1936.
[22] 1934 Cumulative Supplement to 1927 General Laws of Florida,Art.4, p.299.
[23] New York Laws of 1936, c.16.
[24] Pennsylvania Laws of 1936, Act.No.46.
[25] Bock, op.cit., pp.11-14.
[26] 48 U.S.Statutes 589.Act of April 13,1934.This was later extended through 1936.
[27] 50 U.S.Statutes 19.Act of February 11,1937.The activities of the Corporation were extended through 1940 by the Act of March,1939.
[28] I.C.Russell, Rivers of North America(New York:G.P.Putman's Sons, 1898), p.114.