20 Melinda Gates
01 Melinda Gates is an American business person(商人)and philanthropist(慈善家).
02 Melinda Gates is co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation(基金会), where she puts into practice the idea that every life has equal value(同等的价值).
Personal life

Melinda was born in 1964 in Dallas, Texas. Melinda, a Roman Catholic(天主教徒), attended St. Monica Catholic School, where she was the top student in her class year. She graduated as valedictorian(致告别辞者) from Ursuline Academy of Dallas in 1982. Gates earned a bachelor's degree in computer science and economics from Duke University in 1986 and an MBA from Duke's Fuqua School of Business in 1987.
In 1987 Melinda first met her new boss, Bill Gates, at a PC trade show in Manhattan. When he eventually(最后,终于) asked her out with a couple of weeks' notice, she initially(最初,首先) was put off by his over-planning but soon realized his busy schedule made spontaneity(自发性;自然发生) difficult. Accepting this, she agreed to a date. The couple dated for six years before Bill proposed to Melinda. In 1994, the two were wed on the Hawaiian island of Lanai.
After graduation, she joined Microsoft and participated in the development of many of Microsoft's multimedia products including Publisher, Microsoft Bob, Encarta and Expedia.
In 1996, Melinda gave birth to the couple's first child. At that time, she decided to leave her job in Microsoft so she could focus on child rearing and philanthropic(博爱的;仁慈的) efforts. But she didn't just become a housewife. From 1996 to 2003, she served as a member of Duke University's board of trustees(受托人,受托者). Melinda attends Bilderberg Group conferences and holds a seat on the board of directors of the Washington Post company. She retired from the board of Drugstore.com in August 2006 to spend more time working for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
In 1994, Melinda and Bill Gates, along with Bill's father, started the William H. Gates Foundation. In 1999 the couple combined (联合) the William H. Gates Foundation with two of their other charitable organizations, the Gates Library Foundation and the Gates Learning Foundation. They renamed the newly blended charity(慈善;施舍) the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Although the foundation's initial goal was to place computers and Microsoft products in libraries all over the United States, over the years Melinda expanded the organization's vision to include worldwide improvements in education. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation's efforts also came to address global poverty and health issues.
Now what does it mean to make of this world a brotherhood (兄弟情谊) and a sisterhood? That probably sounds like a lot to ask you as individuals(个人) or even as a whole graduating class, and I'm pretty sure later this afternoon, when somebody asked you that really annoying(讨厌的;恼人的) question. “What are you going to do after graduation?” I doubt any of you are going to say. I had an ethical (伦理的;道德的)commitment to make of this world a brotherhood. But you can change the way you think about other people, you can choose to see their humanity(人类;人道) first. The one big thing that you can find that makes them the same as you, instead of all the little things that make them different than you. It's not just a matter of caring about(担心,关心) people, I assume you already do that, but it's much harder to see all people, including those people and especially those people whose lives are very different from yours. To really see them as three-dimensional(三维)human beings, who need and want and desire the same things that you do. But if you can really believe that seven billion people on the planet are equal to you in spirit, then you'll take action to make the world more equal for everyone.