Chapter 6 Recreation & Holidays
Unit35 Exercise & Diet 运动&饮食
一起来了解 精华 Vocabulary
overweight 超重 说某人肥胖时,也可以用fat,但是overweight更加礼貌。
obese 肥胖的
put on weight 体重增加 与gain weight是相同的意思。“体重减轻”是lose weight。growfat也有“变胖”的意思,但是fat带有轻蔑的语气。
regain weight 体重反弹
be on a diet 节食减肥
go on a diet 开始节食
go off the diet 停止节食 也可以叫做get off the diet。
crash diet 速成食疗
slim down 变瘦
potbelly 大肚腩,大腹便便的人
in shape 身材健美
out of shape 身材走样
spare tire (尤指人)肥胖的腰身 比喻人腰上有很多赘肉,就像带了一个轮胎(tire)一样。
stretching 拉伸运动
stationary bike 固定健身自行车 stationary意为“固定的,静止的”。健身房里一般都会有这种运动器材。Lifecycle是美国力健公司推出的经典健身器材。
weightlifting 举重运动
free weights 举重,自由调节重量
stairmaster 楼梯机 正式的名称是stepping machine。
cardiovascular exercise 心血管机能训练 也简称为cardio。 cardiovascular 的意思是“心血管的”。
treadmill 跑步机
gym rat 体育馆常客
train 训练
loosen up 放松肌肉
运动或减肥必备表达 精华 Expressions
Q: How often do you exercise? 你多久锻炼一次?
A: I work out at least three times a week. 我一周最少锻炼三次。
I exercise about twice aweek. 我一周锻炼两次。
I work out at a health club everyday. 我每天去健身房锻炼。
Q: How do you keep in shape? 你是如何保持身材的?
keep in shape意为“保持身材”,与stay fit 意思相同,也可以把keep换成stay,即stay in shape。要表达同样的意思,还可以说:
How do you manage to stay so thin? 你是怎么保持那么苗条的身材的?
A: I go jogging every morning and watch my diet. 我每天早上去慢跑,并且注意自己的饮食。
go jogging是“去慢跑”的意思;watch one’s diet是“注意饮食”的意思。
Q: I really want to slim down and get 6-pack abs. 我真的很想瘦身,锻炼出6块腹肌。
6-pack 是“把6个易拉罐捆成一捆”的意思,其形状很像发达的腹肌,所以“6块腹肌”就用6-pack abs 来表达。
A: Then you need to exercise everyday. 那你就必须每天运动。
I think you should try to exercise more. 我想你应该试着加大练习量。
Q: Let’s hit the gym. 我们去健身房吧。
gym(健身房)是gymnasium的省略语,health club和fitness center也有“健身房”的意思。
A: Okay,I need a good workout.好的,我需要好好锻炼一下。
I need to lose some weight./I need to go on a diet. 我要减肥了。
Q: I’m trying to drop a few pounds. 我正在试着减肥。
drop a few pounds是“(体重)减轻几磅”的意思。表达“减轻体重”时还可以用take off,所以也可以说:I need to take off some weight.
A: You don’t look like you need to lose weight. 你看起来不需要减肥。
You don’t look fat. 你看起来不胖。
I want to slim down. 我想瘦身。
I want to lose some weight. 我想减肥。
I want to get back into shape. 我想恢复身材。
You definitely need to get in shape. 你确实需要瘦身。
What kind of exercise do you do? 你做什么样的运动?
I do the treadmill for 30 minutes everyday. 我每天在跑步机上跑步30分钟。
I’m on a weight-loss program. 我正在进行减肥计划。
情景对话 Real Talks
A: Have you lost weight?
B: Yes, I’ve lost ten pounds.
A: Really? How did you do it?
B: I watched what I ate and worked out four times a week.
A: How long did it take you to lose the weight?
B: About two months. I want to lose 10 more pounds.
A: Tell me about your exercise routine.
B: First, I stretch for about 15 minutes. Then I do cardio for 30 minutes.
A: Do you do any weight lifting?
B: No. I usually use the treadmill or do aerobics.
A: You should do some weight lifting, too.
B: I don’t have much time to work out, so I would rather do cardio.
eat like a pig 人们常把总是不断吃东西的人比喻成猪。
buff 健康的身体,也指肌肉型的结实体魄。
ripped 形容脂肪和肌肉看起来很匀称。
health nut 指为了健康,在运动和饮食方面过分下功夫的人,带有否定意味。nut原义是“坚果”,这里有“…狂,神经病”的意思。