The Orientation of Art Museums from the Perspective of Regional Culture: A Case Study of Wuhan Art Museum
Abstract: The art museums, the local art museum in particular, as a public cultural space whose construction and development is closely associated with its regional culture. In this paper, Wuhan Art Museum is taken as an example. Based on its annual exhibition data and its functions, this paper explores the relationship between the construction and development of an art museum and the regional culture it locates in, and analyzes the motives behind choosing regionality as a decisive component of its cultural positioning from the dimensions of“autonomy”,“knowledge”and“publicity”.
Keywords: Regional Culture; Wuhan Art Museum; Autonomy;Knowledge; Publicity
About the Author: Liu Chunyang(1981-), Ph. D. , Associate Professor at School of Chinese Language and Literature, Wuhan University. Research interests and specialties: aesthetic theory, sociology of art, etc. Magnum opuses: Aesthetics and Revelation: Investigation on St. Augustine's Aesthetics, etc. E-mail: lcybjdx@hotmail.com.
Jiang Aijing(1993 -)M. A. Candidate at School of Chinese Language and Literature, Wuhan University. E-mail: 623858418@qq.com.