06 The Municipal Hall Reception Center市政厅接待中心

The design concept is to introduce the art exhibition as the space interface of the reception center, and make the enterprise brands and the art culture produce connection by means of the attention and sponsorship of the contemporary art. At the same time, the designers use the style features of contemporary art works, that break through innovation and lead the age, to enhance the value of the enterprise brands and the images of the market products.
This exhibition with two themes of "animation art" and "Asian contemporary art" gathers more than twenty works of art of nineteen contemporary artists from China, Japan, Korea and Indonesia. In these works, Peter Pan, Mazinger Z and other works with the animation themes recall the common memory from 1950s to 1970s, while the works of Xi Dejin, Zhu Dequn and other contemporary artists attract the attention of professional collectors. The atmosphere of the conversational exchange among space, people and the art works not only provides the viewers with the common topics and narrows the distance between the public and the art works, but also indirectly enhances consumer's recognition and favorable impression towards the enterprise brands and the market products.



挑高11 m、放射状的造型天花板,展现楼梯空间的气势。二楼大厅以皮革与镀钛不锈钢边框装饰墙面,办公室、洽谈室等空间以隐藏门隐身墙后,保留连续的墙面以展示包括成太镇、曾庆熙、尹锺锡与天野喜孝的科学小飞侠在内的动漫主题画作。低调奢华的壁面材料围塑完整的不受干扰的展览场域,展现人文、品位、尊贵的空间深度与质感。