In the view of current development economics theory, various development performance differences of countries or regions in the same general development stage depend on the institutional capacity of local government. The construction core of local government's institutional capacity provides government at all levels the ability to set realistic policies, of what the ability to implement and carry out effectively, and of what the ability to take further steadily. Individual capability of local civil servants is the micro foundation of local government's institutional capacity and administrative level.
To analyze horizontally, general competence construction of local civil servants includes two dimensions, competence framework system and competence excitation system. Competence framework system is the foundation and precondition of general competence. Competence excitation system means to stimulate and actuate general competence. These two dimensions supplement each other.
In practice, national public servant general competence standard framework(Trial), issued by Personnel Department of China in 2003, has obvious weaknesses that levels and types of qualificationor competence framework between Civil administrative institutions servants and city, country, village civil servants are not in consideration.
On the above - mentioned background, this research focuses on general competence framework, competence modality and its excitation system of local civil servants.
In this regard, on the foundation of national public servants' nine items competence framework and program team investigation, this study subdivides and builds the general competence framework and competence standard system of local civil servants of H province, including civil servants in provincial authorities, cities, counties, townships. This research investigates competence realistic and its excitation modality of local civil servants of H province in order to dis cuss quantitatively the realistic and question of four paths, human-post matching degree, selection and examination, performance assessment and compensation incentives. Finally, in order to realize the change of civil servants'compensation level and competence excitation cases, this program empirically studies current situation of anti-corruption bid, civil servants' post rank and wage in parallel, civil servants' pension combination, specification of civil servants' subsidies system, which devote to promote civil servants' marginal contribution ratio.
The main source of this research data covers four aspects. Firstly, the data of competence framework and competence standard of civil servants, including civil servants in provincial authorities, cities, counties, townships, the empirical study of civil servants' competence and civil servants' performance assessment all originate from program's on the spot investigation and interview data in the H province in the middle of China in 2012. Secondly, the empirical analysis data of civil servants' compensation incentives comes from the civil servants' and enterprise employee's salary data, which builds from program's large sample of salary questionnaire supported by World Bank in 2009 in three provinces in the middle of China, including H province. Thirdly, after project approval in Dec.2014, the data is the tracing survey from 500 samples of competence standard and competence excitation situation of civil servants at a city, county or town level. The statistics are collected from eight departments, agriculture, civil administration, public security, human society, public finance, education, health and Family Planning Committee in X, H, Y in H province from Jul to Sep.2015. Fourthly, in Mar.2016, 315 valid data acquired currently from tracing investigation of M system from H province's civil servants' salary and welfare change in three years from 2013 to 2015.
With the support of large sample data and interview material, this research designs and evaluates local civil servants' general competence framework, competence modality and competence excitation of H province with many analyze methods, such as coding technology, logistic regression, quantile regression, and so on.
Main opinions and possible innovations of this study contain six aspects as follows.
(1)Take H province for example, this research subdivides and builds general competence framework and competence standard of local civil servants and provincial authorities servants, of whom It tries to establish competence test index and method system as well as test and analyze competence excitation modality.
(2)For H province with coding technology based on ground theory, this research Innovatively divides civil servants in cities, counties, townships, according to“two type and six layer”standard, of which establishes general competence framework of H province civil servants at a city, county or town level then put into test.
(3)This research tests and analyzes the competence excitation modality of local civil servants, of which it tries to use“human-post matching degree”to test the excitation degree with direct indexes(self-assessment of the competence play in the post, self-assessment of work difficulty, etc.)and indirect indexes(effective working time per week, initiative working overtime per week, etc.).
(4)This research defines competence excitation of local civil servants into four paths, human-post matching degree, selection and examination, performance assessment and compensation incentives. It empirically analyzes the realistic and questions of general competence excitation modality paths with forefront data of local civil servants of H province.
(5)In the view of the influence of competence excitation, this research discusses and develops salary definition methods of local civil servants with enterprisecorresponding persons. In order to discriminate the gap of reasonable and unreasonable, it quantitatively evaluats the realization degree of accumulation of money wage with subsidies compared to the equality of Nominal salary.
(6)Based on the tracing investigation data of civil servants' salary of M system in H province from 2013 to 2015, this research analyzes the principle of ability utilization deviation(officer inaction, officer delay-action, officer careless-action)of local civil servants, and then proposes policy suggestions, such as changing“welfare-type”occupational pension into“honest-type”occupational pension, etc.
The angle of view and conclusion of this research is continuing and deepen of civil servants' general competence framework in the local civil servants' management and practice. The competence framework and standard system of administrative civil servants and those at a city, county or town level promoted in this research enrich the qualification system of local civil servants. The measurement system of competence modality and analysis of competence framework, as well as competence excitation path can provide theoretical support to promoting competence construction practice of local civil servants.
Relevant research methods and conclusions can also provide theoretical support and referential experience to public institution(hospital, university, etc.)employees' general competence framework, competence standard and competence excitation.
The shortage of this program research is the high difficulty of acquiring sensitive investigation data of local civil servants' salary level, work action, etc. The limitation of sample data origination will probably reduce the universality of research conclusions. Civil servants'psychological defense will possibly influence the reliability and validity of the data. Local civil servants'general competence excitation through internal excitation paths such as trust, acceptation, self-driven, and so on, are less Involved in this research. Defects mentioned above are the importance of future research and supplement.
Keywords: local civil servants, general competence framework, competence modality, competence excitation