第29章 Lesson 28: The Duck Hunters
One day, two duck hunters went out to hunt some ducks. Soon they saw a big duck. Both men wanted to catch the duck. The duck flew close to them.
"That duck will be very good in our soup," said the first man. "I love soup."
"No," said the other man. "When I catch this duck, I will roast it. A good roast duck is better than soup."
The two hunters argued about which was better—duck soup or roast duck. Soon they were yelling at each other.
The duck flew away and they had nothing for dinner.
I. Word List
hunter: a person who kills animals for food
roast: a kind of cooking
II. True or False—Write T (true) or F (false) for each sentence.
___ 1. The hunters wanted to save some ducks.
___ 2. The duck loved soup.
___ 3. One hunter wanted to roast the duck.
___ 4. The hunters yelled at the duck.
___ 5. The duck swam away.
III. Word play—Choose the correct word from the story.
1. What word rhymes with luck? _ _ _ _
2. What two words end with "ll"? _ _ll _ _ ll
3. What letters are missing from this word? h _ _ _ _ r
4. What word rhymes with loop? _ _ _ _
5. What is this word? _ oo _
IV. What do you think? Answer these questions about the story.
1. Why did the hunters have no dinner?
2. What should the hunters do if they want to catch a duck?
3. What do you think the duck would like to say to the hunters?
4. Which do you think is better—duck soup or roast duck?
5. Do you think the hunters are still friends? Why or why not?