第2章 Lesson 2: The Superfoods
Everyone knows it is important to watch what we eat. We know we must not eat too much fast food or sugary and fatty food, and eat more raw fruits and vegetables. Many doctors are telling us that there are a few foods that can really help us live longer, healthier lives because they have certain nutrients that help our body regenerate and fight disease.
Based on studies of diets in places where people live long and relatively healthy lives—such as the Mediterranean region and Okinawa, Japan—doctors advise that if we want the same for our own families, we should make the following list of food a regular part of our diet:
— beans and lentils — blueberries and raspberries
— broccoli and spinach — oats
— oranges and pumpkins — salmon
— soy — tea (green or black)
— tomatoes — turkey
— walnuts — yogurt
When you cook, use olive oil rather than vegetable oil or lard, and spice up your meals with onion, garlic, and ginger. Not only will these items make your food more flavourful, they also have special properties that help you stay healthy.
If you don't like spinach, you can try it in a salad, mixed with sections of juicy orange and sprinkled with a handful of walnuts, a drop of olive oil, and a dash of balsamic vinegar. And instead of boring old breakfast cereal, try layering oats, plain yogurt, berries, and honey. Eating healthful is delicious!
I. Word List
raw: not cooked
diet: food that we eat
a dash: a very small amount
II. What's the word? Using the clues, find the correct words in the reading.
1. nuts that look like tiny brains: w _ _ _ _ _ _
2. a vegetable that can be made into soup or pie: p _ _ _ _ _ _
3. this vegetable is long and green: b _ _ _
4. good with berries and honey: y _ _ _ _ _
5. many people put this vegetable in salad: s _ _ _ _ _ _
III. Using information from the reading, plan a day of healthy meals.
Breakfast Lunch Dinner
IV. How about you? Answer the following questions.
1. What kind of foods do you usually eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner?
2. What are your favourite fruits and vegetables?
3. What are your favourite drinks? Are these drinks healthy?
4. What are some healthy snacks that we can eat instead of candy?
5. Fruits and vegetables are very healthy. What are some foods that are not healthy?