Vladimir Paulitch had employed his morning well.Scarcely out of bed,he had given a private audience to Fritz,who,not daring to address his master directly,for his frowns always made him tremble,had come to ask the doctor to receive his revelations and obligingly transmit them to his Excellency.When in an excited and mysterious tone he had disclosed his important secret:
"There is nothing astonishing in that,"replied Vladimir coldly.
"This young man is a somnambulist,and the conclusion of your little story is,that his window must be barred.I will speak to Count Kostia about it."Upon which Fritz slunk away discomfited and much confused at the turn the adventure had taken.
After his departure,Vladimir Paulitch concluded to take a walk upon the grassy hillock,and on his way said to himself:"Have my suspicions,then,been well founded?"He had passed an hour among the rocks,studying the spot,examining the aspect of the castle from this side,and particularly the irregularities of the roof.As his eyes rested on the square tower which Stephane occupied,he saw him appear at the window,and remain there some minutes,his eyes fixed upon Gilbert's turret.
"Aha!Now we see how matters stand!"said he,"but to risk his head in this way,our idealist must be desperately in love.And he'll carry it through!We must find him and have a little chat."In reascending to the castle,Vladimir had seen Gilbert turn into the woods,and without being perceived,had followed him at a distance.
"Yes,fortune is singular!"repeated he,"and we must resist it boldly and brave it resolutely,or submit humbly to its caprices and die.This is but reasonable;half measures are expedients of fools.As for me,I have always been the partisan of sequere Deum,which I interpret thus:'Take luck for your guide,and walk on blindly.'"And as Gilbert made no answer,he continued:
"May I presume to ask you what caused you to say,just now,that fortune plays us odd tricks?""I was thinking,"replied Gilbert,tranquilly,"of the emperor,Constantine the Great,who you know--""Ah!that is too much,"interrupted Vladimir."What!on a beautiful morning,in the midst of the woods,before a little dried-up pond,which is not without its poetry,seated in the grass with a pretty white flower in your hand--the emperor,Constantine,the subject of your meditations?As for me,I have not such a well-balanced head,and I will confess to you that just now,in rambling among the thickets,I was entirely occupied with the singular games of my own destiny,and what is more singular still,I felt the necessity of relating them to someone.""You surprise me,"replied Gilbert;"I did not think you so communicative.""And who of us,"resumed Vladimir,"never contradicts his own character?In Russia the duties of my position oblige me to be reserved,secret,enveloped in mystery from head to foot,a great pontiff of science,speaking but in brief sentences and in an oracular tone;but here I am not obliged to play my role,and by a natural reaction,finding myself alone in the woods with a man of sense and heart,my tongue unloosens like a magpie's.Let us see;if I tell you my history do you promise to be discreet?""Undoubtedly.But if you must have a confidant,how happens it that intimate as you are with Count Kostia--""Ah,precisely!when you know my history you will understand for what reason in my interviews with Kostia Petrovitch I speak often of him,but rarely of myself."And at these words Vladimir Paulitch turned up his sleeves,and showing his wrists to Gilbert;"Look!"he said."Do you see any mark,any scar?""No,I cannot detect any."
"That is strange.For forty years,however,I have worn handcuffs,for such as you see me--I,Vladimir Paulitch;I,one of the first physicians of Russia;I,the learned physiologist,I am the refuse of the earth,I am Ivan's equal;in a word,I am a serf!""You a serf!"exclaimed Gilbert,astonished.
"You should not be so greatly surprised;such things are common in Russia,"said Vladimir Paulitch,with a faint smile."Yes,sir,"he resumed,"I am one of Count Kostia's serfs,and you may imagine whether or not I am grateful to him for having had the goodness to fashion from the humble clay of which nature had formed one of his moujiks,the glorious statue of Doctor Vladimir Paulitch.However,of all the favors he has heaped upon me the one which troubles me most is,that,thanks to his discretion,there were but two men in the world,himself and myself,who knew me for what I am.Now there are three.
"My parents,"continued he,"were Ukraine peasants,and my first profession was taking care of sheep;but I was a born physician.
The sick,whether men or sheep,were to my mind the most interesting of spectacles.I procured some books,acquired a slight knowledge of anatomy and chemistry,and by turns Idissected,and hunted for simples,the virtues of which I tried with indefatigable ardor.Poor,lacking all resources,brought up from infancy in foolish superstitions,from which I had the trouble in emancipating myself;living in the midst of coarse,ignorant men degraded by slavery,nothing could repulse me or discourage me.Ifelt myself born to decipher the great book of nature,and to wring from it her secrets.I had the good fortune to discover some specifics against the rot and tag sore.That rendered me famous within a circuit of three leagues.After quadrupeds,I tried my hand on bipeds.I effected several happy cures,and people came from all parts to consult me.Proud as Artaban,the little shepherd,seated beneath the shade of a tree,uttered his infallible oracles,and they were believed all the more implicitly,as nature had given to his eyes that veiled and impenetrable expression calculated to impose upon fools.The land to which Ibelonged was owned by a venerable relative of Count Kostia.At her death she left her property to him.He came to see his new domain;heard of me,had me brought into his presence,questioned me,and was struck with my natural gifts and precocious genius.He had already proposed to found a hospital in one of his villages where he resided during the summer,and it occurred to him that he could some day make me useful there.I went with him to Moscow.
Concealing my position from everyone,he had me instructed with the greatest care.Masters,books,money,I had in profusion.So great was my happiness that I hardly dare to believe in it,and Iwas sometimes obliged to bite my finger to assure myself that I was not in a dream.When I reached the age of twenty,Kostia Petrovitch made me enter the school of medicine,and some years later I directed his hospital and a private asylum which he founded by my advice.My talents and success soon made me known.I was spoken of at Moscow,and was called there upon consultations.Thus I was in a fair way to make a fortune,and what gratified me still more,I was sought after,feted,courted,fawned upon.The little shepherd,the moujik,had become King and more than King,for a successful physician is adored as a god by his patients;and I do not believe that a pretty woman gratifies her lovers with half the smiles which she lavishes freely upon the magician upon whom depend her life and her youth.At this time,sir,I was still religious.
Imagine the place Count Kostia held in my prayers,and with what fervor I implored for him the intercession of the saints and of the blessed Mary.Prosperity,nevertheless,has this much of evil in it;it makes a man forget his former self.
"Intoxicated with my glory and success,I forgot too soon my youth and my sheep,and this forgetfulness ruined me.I was called to attend a cavalry officer retired from service.He had a daughter named Pauline;she was beautiful and charming.I thought myself insensible to love,but I had hardly seen her before I conceived a violent passion for her.Bear in mind that I had lived until that time as pure as an ascetic monk;science had been my adored and lofty mistress.When passion fires a chaste heart,it becomes a fury there.I loved Pauline with frenzy,with idolatry.One day she gave me to understand that my folly did not displease her.Ideclared myself to her father,obtained his consent,and felt as if I should die of happiness.The next day I sought Count Kostia,and telling him my story,supplicated him to emancipate me.He laughed,and declared such an extravagant idea was unworthy of me.
Marriage was not what I required.A wife,children,useless encumbrances in my life!Petty delights and domestic cares would extinguish the fire of my genius,would kill in me the spirit of research and vigor of thought.Besides,was my passion serious?
From what he knew of my disposition,I was incapable of loving.It was a fantastic trick which my imagination had played me.Only remain a week without seeing Pauline,and I would be cured.My only answer was to throw myself at his feet.I glued my mouth to his hands,watered his knees with my tears,and kissed the ground before him.He laughed throughout,and asked me with a sneer,if to possess Pauline it were necessary to marry her.My love was an adoration.At these insulting words anger took possession of me.
I poured forth imprecations and threats.Presently,however,recovering myself,I begged him to forgive my transports,and resuming the language of servile humility,I endeavored to soften that heart of bronze with my tears.Trouble lost;he remained inflexible.I rolled upon the floor and tore my hair;and he still laughed--That must have been a curious scene.Recollect that at this epoch I was quite recherche in my costume.I had an embroidered frill and very fine ruffles of point d'Alencon.I wore rings on every finger,and my coat was of the latest style and of elegant cut.Fancy,also,that my deportment,my gait,my air breathed of pride and arrogance.Parvenus try it in vain,they always betray themselves.I had a high tone,an overbearing manner.I enveloped myself in mysterious darkness,which obscured at times the brightness of my genius,and as I had accomplished several extraordinary cures,strongly resembling miracles,or tricks of sorcery,my airs of an inspired priest did not seem out of place,and I had devotees who encouraged these licenses of my pride by the excess of their humility.And then,behold,suddenly,this man of importance,this miraculous personage,flat upon his face,imploring the mercy of an inexorable master,writhing like a worm of the earth under the foot which crushed his heart!At last Kostia Petrovitch lost patience,seized me in his powerful hands,set me upon my feet,and pushing me violently against the wall,cried in a voice of thunder,'Vladimir Paulitch,spare me your effeminate contortions,and remember who I am and who you are.One day I saw an ugly piece of charcoal in the road.I picked it up at the risk of soiling my fingers,and,as I am something of a chemist,I put it in my crucible and converted it into a diamond.
But just as I have set my jewel,and am about to wear it on my finger,you ask me to give it up!Ah!my son,I do not know what keeps me from sending you back to your sheep.Go,make an effort to conquer your passion;be reasonable,be yourself again.Wait until my death,my will shall emancipate you;but until then,even at the risk of your displeasure,you shall be my THING,my PROPERTY.Take care you do not forget it,or I will shatter you in pieces like this glass;'and,seizing a phial from the table,he threw it against the wall,where it broke in fragments.
"Sir,Count Kostia displayed a little too much energy at the time,but at bottom he was right.Was it just that he should lose all the fruits of his trouble?Think what a gratification it was to his pride,to be able to say to himself,'The great doctor,so feted,so admired,is my thing and my property.'His words were true;he wore me as a ring upon his finger.And then he foresaw the future.For two consecutive years it has only been necessary for him to move the end of his forefinger,to make me run from the heart of Russia to soothe his poor tormented nerves.You know how the heart of man is made.If he had had the imprudence to emancipate me,I should have come last year out of gratitude;but this time--"While Vladimir spoke,Gilbert thought to himself,"This man is truly the compatriot of Count Leminof."And then recalling the amiable and generous Muscovite with whom he had once been intimate,he justly concluded that Russia is large,and that nature,taking pleasure in contrasts,produces in that great country alternately the hardest and the most tender souls in the world.
"One word more,"continued Vladimir:"Count Kostia was right;but unfortunately passion will not listen to reason.I left him with death in my heart,but firmly resolved to cope with him and to carry my point.You see that upon this occasion I observed but poorly the great maxim,Sequere fatum.I flattered myself I should be able to stem the current.Vain illusion!--but without it would one be in love?Pauline lived in a small town at about two leagues from our village.Whenever I had leisure,I mounted a horse and flew to her.The third day after the terrible scene,I took a drive with this amiable girl and her father.As we were about to leave the village,I was seized with a sudden trembling at the sight of Count Kostia on the footpath,holding his gold-headed cane under his arm and making his way quietly toward us.He recognized us,smiled agreeably,and signed to the coachman to stop and to me to descend.
"Plague upon the thoughtless fellow!whip up,coachman!"cried Pauline gayly.
But I had already opened the door.
"Excuse me,"said I,"I will be with you in a moment."And while saying these words I was so pale that she became pale,too,as if assailed by a dark presentiment.Kostia Petrovitch did not detain me long.After saluting me with ceremonious politeness,he said in a bantering tone:
"Vladimir,faith she is really charming.But I am sorry to say that if your engagement is not broken off before this evening,to-morrow this pretty girl will learn from me who you are."After which,saluting me again,he walked away humming an aria.
"Money,sir,had always appeared to me so small a thing compared with science and glory;and besides,my love for Pauline was so free from alloy,that I had never conceived the idea of informing myself in regard to her fortune,or the dowry which she might bring to me.That evening,as we took tea together in the parlor of my expected father-in-law,I contrived to bring up this important question for consideration,and expressed views of such a selfish character,and displayed such a sordid cupidity,that the old officer at last became indignant.Pauline had a proud soul;she listened to us some time in silence,and then rising,she crushed me with a look of scorn,and,extending her arm,pointed me the door.That devil of a look,sir,I have not forgotten;it has long pursued me,and now I often see it in my dreams.
"Returning home,I tried to kill myself;but so awkwardly that Ifailed.There are some things in which we never succeed the first time.I was prevented from renewing the attempt by the Sequere fatum,which returned to my memory.I said to the floods which beat against my exhausted breast:'Carry me where you please;you are my masters,I am your slave.'
"And believe me,sir,this unhappy adventure benefited me.It led me to salutary reflection.For the first time I ventured to think,I eradicated from my mind every prejudice which remained there,Itook leave of all chimeras,I saw life and the world as they are,and decided that Heaven is a myth.My manners soon betrayed the effect of the enlightenment of my mind.No more arrogance,no more boasting.I did not divest myself of pride,but it became more tractable and more convenient;it renounced ostentation and vain display;the peacock changed into a man of good breeding.This,sir,is what experience has done for me,assisted by Sequere fatum.
It has made me wise,an honest man and an atheist.So I said a little while afterwards to Count Kostia:
"'Of all the benefits I have received from you,the most precious was that of delivering me from Pauline.That woman would have ruined me.Ah,Count Kostia,how I laugh to myself when I recall the ridiculous litanies with which I once regaled your ears.You knew me well.A passing fancy--a fire of straw.Thanks to you,Kostia Petrovitch,my mind has acquired a perspicuity for which Ishall be eternally grateful to you.
"This declaration touched him;he loved me the more for it.He has always had a weakness for men who listen to reason.Until then,notwithstanding the marks of affection which he lavished upon me,he had always made me feel the distance between us.But from that day I became intimate with him;I participated in his secrets,and,what cemented our friendship still more,was that one day I had an opportunity of saving his life at the risk of my own.""And Pauline?"said the inquisitive and sympathetic Gilbert.
"Ah!Pauline interests you!Comfort yourself.Six months after our rupture she made a rich marriage.She still lives in her little town;she is happy,and has lost none of her beauty.I meet her sometimes in the street with her husband and children,and Ihave the pleasure of seeing her turn her head always from me.And I,too,sir,have children;they are my pupils.They are called in Moscow THE LITTLE VLADIMIRS,and one of them will become some of these days a great Vladimir.I have revealed all my secrets to him,for I do not want them to die with me,and my end may be near.
I have yet an important work to accomplish;and when my task is finished,let death take me.The life of the little shepherd of Ukraine has been too exciting to last long.'Short and sweet,'is my motto."And at these words,leaning suddenly towards Gilbert,and looking him in the eye:
"Apropos,"said he,"were you really thinking of Constantine,the emperor,when you exclaimed:'Oh,fortune!what strange tricks you play?'"Gilbert was nearly disconcerted by this sudden attack,but promptly recovered himself.
"Ah!ah!"thought he,"it was not for nothing,then,that you told me your history;you had a purpose!Who knows but that Count Leminof has sent you to get my confidence?"Vladimir employed all the skill he possessed to make Gilbert speak;his insidious questions were inexhaustible:Gilbert was impenetrable.From time to time they looked steadily at each other,each seeking to embarrass his adversary,and to surprise his secret,but in vain;they fenced with glances,but they were both so sure in the parries,that not a thrust succeeded.At last Vladimir lost patience.
"My dear sir,"exclaimed he,"I have the weakness to put faith in dreams,and I had one the other night which troubled me very much.
I dreamed that Count Kostia had a daughter,and that he made her very unhappy,because she had the twofold misfortune of not being his daughter,and of resembling in a striking manner a woman whose remembrance he did not cherish.You see that dreams are as singular as the tricks of fortune.But the most serious matter was,that the unhappiness and beauty of this child had strongly touched your heart and that you had conceived an ardent passion for her.
"'What must I do?'you said to me one day.
"Then I related my story to you,and said:'You know the character of Kostia Petrovitch.Do not hope to move him,it would be an amusement for him to break your heart.If I had been as much in love as you are,I should have carried off Pauline and fled with her to the ends of the world.An elopement!--that is your only resource.And mark (it was in my dream that I spoke thus),and mark--if you perform this bold stroke successfully,the Count,at first furious to see his victim escape him,will at last be reconciled to it.The sight of this child is a horror to him;even the tyranny which he exercises over her excites him and disorders his nerves.After she has left him,he will breathe more freely,will enjoy better health,and will pardon the ravisher,who will have relieved his life of the ferment of hatred which torments him.
Then you can treat with him,and I shall be much mistaken if it is long before your dear mistress becomes your wife.'It was thus Irepeat,that I spoke to you in my dream,and I added:'Do not lose an instant;there is danger in remaining here.Kostia Petrovitch has suspicions;to-morrow perhaps it will be too late!'""And then you awoke,"interrupted Gilbert,laughing.
Then rising,he continued:
"Your dreams have no common sense,my dear Doctor;for without taking into consideration that M.Leminof has no daughter,the faculty of loving has been denied to me by nature,and the only abduction of which I am capable is that of ink spots from a folio.
With a little chlorine you see--"
He took a few steps to pick up the little flower which he had thrown away,and continued as he retraced with Vladimir the path which led to the castle."Let us speak of more serious things.Do you know the family of this pretty flower?"Thus walking on they conversed exclusively upon botany,and having arrived at the terrace,separated amicably.Vladimir saw Gilbert move away,and then muttered between his teeth:
"Ha!you won't speak,you refuse me your confidence,and you only take off spots of ink!Then let your fate work itself out!"Shall I describe the feelings which agitated Gilbert's heart?They will readily be divined.In addition to the anxiety which preyed upon him,a further and greater source of uneasiness was the fear that all had been discovered."In spite of my precautions,"thought he,"some spy stationed by the Count may have seen me running over the roof,but it is very improbable.
"I am inclined to believe rather,that the lynx eyes of Vladimir Paulitch have read Stephane's face.At the table he has watched her narrowly.Perhaps,too,my glances have betrayed me.This mind,coarse in its subtilty,has taken for a common love the tender and generous pity with which a great misfortune has inspired me.Doubtless he has informed the Count,and it was by his order that he attempted to force my confidence and to draw out my intentions.Stephane,Stephane,all my efforts then will have but resulted in heaping upon your head new misfortunes!"He was calmed a little,however,by the reflection that she had authorized him of her own accord to remain away from her for at least two weeks.
"Before that time expires,"thought he,"I shall have devised some expedient.It is,first of all,important to throw this terrier,who is upon our track,off the scent.Fortunately he will not be here long.His departure will be a great relief to me,for he is a dangerous person.If only Stephane will be prudent!"Dinner passed off well!Vladimir did not make his appearance.The Count was amiable and gay.Stephane,although very pale,was as calm as on the preceding days,and his eyes did not try to meet those of Gilbert,who felt his alarm subsiding;but when they had risen from the table,Kostia Petrovitch having left the room first,his daughter had time,before following him,to turn quickly,draw from her sleeve a little roll of paper,and throw it at Gilbert's feet;he picked it up,and what was his chagrin when,after having locked himself in his room,he read the following lines:"The spirit of darkness has returned to me!I could not close my eyes last night.My head is on fire.I fear,I doubt,I despair.My Gilbert,I must at any cost see you this evening,for I feel myself capable of anything.Oh,my friend!come at least to console me--come and take from my sight the knife which remains open on my table."Gilbert passed two hours in indescribable anguish.Whilst day lasted,he stood leaning upon his window sill,hoping all the time that Stephane would appear at hers,and that he could communicate to her by signs;but he waited in vain,and already night began to fall.He deliberated,wavered,hesitated.At last,in this internal struggle,one thought prevailed over all others.He imagined he could see Stephane,pale,disheveled,despair in her eyes;he thought he could see a knife in her hands,the slender blade flashing in the darkness of the night.Terrified by these horrible fancies,he turned a deaf ear to prudential counsels,suspended his ladder,descended,crossed the roofs,clambered up the window,and sprang into the room.Stephane awaited him,crouching at the feet of the saints.She rose,bounded forward,and seized the knife lying upon the table with a convulsive motion,turned the point towards her heart,and cried in a vibrating voice:
"Gilbert,for the first and last time,do you love me?"Terrified,trembling,beside himself,Gilbert opened his arms to her.She threw the poniard away,uttered a cry of joy,of delirium,leaped with a bound to her friend,threw her arms about him,and hanging upon his lips she cried:
"He loves me!he loves!I am saved."
Gilbert,while returning her caresses,sought to calm her excitement;but all at once he turned pale.From the neighboring alcove came a sigh like that he had heard in one of the corridors of the castle.
"We are lost!"gasped he in a stifled voice."They have surprised us."But she,clinging to him,her face illuminated by delirious joy,answered:
"You love me!I am happy.What matters the rest?"At this moment the door of the alcove opened and Count Kostia appeared upon the threshold,terrible,threatening,his lips curling with a sinister smile.At this sight his daughter slowly raised her head,then took a few steps towards him,and for the first time dared to look that father in the face,who for so many years had held her bowed and shuddering under his iron hand.Then like a young lion with bristling mane,her hair floating in disorder upon her shoulders,her body quivering,her brows contracted,with flashing eyes and in a thrilling voice,she cried:
"Ah!it really is you then,sir!