第9章 Footnotes
{1}North British Review,No.XLV.--1.'Life of Sir Walter Raleigh.'By P.Fraser Tytler,F.R.S.London,1853.--2.'Raleigh's Discovery of Guiana.'Edited by Sir Robert Schomburgk (Hakluyt Society),1848.--3.'Lord Bacon and Sir Walter Raleigh.'By M.Napier.Cambridge,1853.--4.'Raleigh's Works,with Lives by Oldys and Birch.'Oxford,1829--5.'Bishop Goodman's History of his own Times.'London,1839.
{2}I especially entreat readers'attention to two articles in vindication of the morals of Queen Elizabeth,in 'Fraser's Magazine'of 1854;to one in the 'Westminster'of 1854,on Mary Stuart;and one in the same of 1852,on England's Forgotten Worthies,by a pen now happily well known in English literature,Mr.Anthony Froude's.
{3}Since this was written,a similar Amazonian bodyguard has been discovered,I hear,in Pegu.
{4}It is to be found in a MS.of 1596.