1.4 Organization
The book consists of seven chapters.After the introduction,a literature review is conducted concerning the notions of lexicalized sentence stem and textual sentence stem,and concerning the issue of evaluation as well as its relevance to language use in the ESP context and in the cross-linguistic context.This chapter concludes with a review of the tradition of corpus-driven approach in the study of phraseology and translation.
Chapter three deals with important methodological issues that arise in this study—issues such as research questions that are to be addressed,representative corpora that are employed,the standard procedures that will be followed in the monolingual analysis of TSSs and in establishing cross-linguistic equivalence,and major analytical concepts that clarify various aspects of evaluation in academic texts.
Chapter four provides the overall data information by revealing the frequency distributions of TSSs in terms of different patterns and discussing the major formal features of TSSs with a particular focus on their semi-fixedness.
Chapter five focuses on functional features of TSSs by developing a functional taxonomy which provides the basis and framework for the analysis of the data.This chapter concludes with a discussion of the techniques of striking a balance between commitment and caution in order to raise our awareness of the role of evaluation and of the way in which the writer-reader relationship is developed in the argumentation.
Chapter six examines cross-linguistic equivalence of TSSs in English and Chinese academic texts.Some of the important TSSs discussed in the previous two chapters are selected and paired with Chinese expressions.The second focus of this chapter is on different types of translation units and their practical uses.This chapter also discusses the role of various levels of co-selection and other contextual factors in the identification of equivalents,as well as the implications that can be drawn from this comparative study.
Chapter seven concludes this book with a general look at what has been done in the present study.The results provide a strong argument for studying language features thus covered,and demonstrate how such a study may shed light on ESP teaching and learning,translation,and the construction of lexicon in machine translation.The whole book concludes with its limitations and suggestions for further research.