第96章 Chapter 34(2)
Well,while they were gradually playing out,it suddenly occurred to me to wonder what had become of Marco.I looked around;he was nowhere to be seen.Oh,but this was ominous!I pulled the king's sleeve,and we glided away and rushed for the hut.No Marco there,no Phyllis there!They had gone to the road for help,sure.I told the king to give his heels wings,and I would explain later.We made good time across the open ground,and as we darted into the shelter of the wood I glanced back and saw a mob of excited peasants swarm into view,with Marco and his wife at their head.They were making a world of noise,but that couldn't hurt anybody;the wood was dense,and as soon as we were well into its depths we would take to a tree and let them whistle.Ah,but then came another sound --dogs!Yes,that was quite another matter.It magnified our contract --we must find running water.
We tore along at a good gait,and soon left the sounds far behind and modified to a murmur.We struck a stream and darted into it.We waded swiftly down it,in the dim forest light,for as much as three hundred yards,and then came across an oak with a great bough sticking out over the water.
We climbed up on this bough,and began to work our way along it to the body of the tree;now we began to hear those sounds more plainly;so the mob had struck our trail.For a while the sounds approached pretty fast.
And then for another while they didn't.No doubt the dogs had found the place where we had entered the stream,and were now waltzing up and down the shores trying to pick up the trail again.
When we were snugly lodged in the tree and curtained with foliage,the king was satisfied,but I was doubtful.I believed we could crawl along a branch and get into the next tree,and I judged it worth while to try.
We tried it,and made a success of it,though the king slipped,at the junction,and came near failing to connect.We got comfortable lodgment and satisfactory concealment among the foliage,and then we had nothing to do but listen to the hunt.
Presently we heard it coming --and coming on the jump,too;yes,and down both sides of the stream.Louder --louder --next minute it swelled swiftly up into a roar of shoutings,barkings,tramplings,and swept by like a cyclone.
"I was afraid that the overhanging branch would suggest something to them,"said I,"but I don't mind the disappointment.Come,my liege,it were well that we make good use of our time.We've flanked them.Dark is coming on,presently.If we can cross the stream and get a good start,and borrow a couple of horses from somebody's pasture to use for a few hours,we shall be safe enough."We started down,and got nearly to the lowest limb,when we seemed to hear the hunt returning.We stopped to listen.
"Yes,"said I,"they're baffled,they've given it up,they're on their way home.We will climb back to our roost again,and let them go by."So we climbed back.The king listened a moment and said:
"They still search --I wit the sign.We did best to abide."He was right.He knew more about hunting than I did.The noise approached steadily,but not with a rush.The king said:
"They reason that we were advantaged by no parlous start of them,and being on foot are as yet no mighty way from where we took the water.""Yes,sire,that is about it,I am afraid,though I was hoping better things."The noise drew nearer and nearer,and soon the van was drifting under us,on both sides of the water.A voice called a halt from the other bank,and said:
"An they were so minded,they could get to yon tree by this branch that overhangs,and yet not touch ground.Ye will do well to send a man up it.""Marry,that we will do!"
I was obliged to admire my cuteness in foreseeing this very thing and swapping trees to beat it.But,don't you know,there are some things that can beat smartness and foresight?Awkwardness and stupidity can.The best swordsman in the world doesn't need to fear the second best swordsman in the world;no,the person for him to be afraid of is some ignorant antagonist who has never had a sword in his hand before;he doesn't do the thing he ought to do,and so the expert isn't prepared for him;he does the thing he ought not to do;and often it catches the expert out and ends him on the spot.Well,how could I,with all my gifts,make any valuable preparation against a near-sighted,cross-eyed,pudding-headed clown who would aim himself at the wrong tree and hit the right one?And that is what he did.
He went for the wrong tree,which was,of course,the right one by mistake,and up he started.
Matters were serious now.We remained still,and awaited developments.
The peasant toiled his difficult way up.The king raised himself up and stood;he made a leg ready,and when the comer's head arrived in reach of it there was a dull thud,and down went the man floundering to the ground.
There was a wild outbreak of anger below,and the mob swarmed in from all around,and there we were treed,and prisoners.Another man started up;the bridging bough was detected,and a volunteer started up the tree that furnished the bridge.The king ordered me to play Horatius and keep the bridge.For a while the enemy came thick and fast;but no matter,the head man of each procession always got a buffet that dislodged him as soon as he came in reach.The king's spirits rose,his joy was limitless.He said that if nothing occurred to mar the prospect we should have a beautiful night,for on this line of tactics we could hold the tree against the whole country-side.
However,the mob soon came to that conclusion themselves;wherefore they called off the assault and began to debate other plans.They had no weapons,but there were plenty of stones,and stones might answer.We had no objections.A stone might possibly penetrate to us once in a while,but it wasn't very likely;we were well protected by boughs and foliage,and were not visible from any good aiming point.If they would but waste half an hour in stonethrowing,the dark would come to our help.We were feeling very well satisfied.We could smile;almost laugh.