It is said that a complete bibliography of Lincoln would include at least five thousand titles.Therefore,any limited bibliography must appear more or less arbitrary.The following is but a minimum list in which,with a few exceptions such as the inescapable interpretative works of Mr.Rhodes and of Professor Dunning,practically everything has to some extent the character of a source.
Alexander.A Political History of the State of New York.By De Alva Stanwood Alexander.3vols.1909.
Arnold.History of Abraham Lincoln and the Overthrow of Slavery.By Isaac N.Arnold.1866.
Baldwin.Interview between President Lincoln and Colonel John B.Baldwin.1866.
Bancroft.Life of William H.Seward.By Frederick Bancroft.2vols.1900.
Barnes.Memoir of Thurlow Weed.By Thurlow Weed Barnes.1884.
Barton.The Soul of Abraham Lincoln.By William Eleazar Barton.1920.
Bigelow.Retrospections of an Active Life.By John Bigelow.2vols.1909.
Blaine.Twenty Years of Congress.By James G.Blaine.2vols.1884.
Botts.The Great Rebellion.By John Minor Botts.1866.
Boutwell.Reminiscences of Sixty Years in Public Affairs.By George S.Boutwell 2vols.1902.
Bradford.Union Portraits.By Gamaliel Bradford.1916.
Brooks.Washington in Lincoln's Time.By Noah Brooks,1895.
Carpenter.Six Months at the White House with Abraham Lincoln.
By F.B.Carpenter.1866.
Chandler.Life of Zachary Chandler.By the Detroit Post and Tribune.1880.
Chapman.Latest Light on Abraham Lincoln.By Ervin Chapman.
1917.The Charleston Mercury.
Chase.Diary and Correspondence of Salmon Chase.Report,American Historical Association,1902,Vol.II.
Chittenden.Recollections of President Lincoln and His Administration.By L.Chittenden.1891.
Coleman.Life of John J.Crittenden,with Selections from his Correspondence and Speeches.By Ann Mary Coleman.2vols.
Conway.Autobiography,Memories and Experiences of Moncure Daniel Conway.2vols.1904.
Correspondence.The Correspondence of Robert Toombs,Alexander H.
Stephens,and Howell Cobb.Edited by U.B.Phillips.Report American Historical Association,1913,Vol.II.
Crawford.The Genesis of the Civil War.By Samuel Wylie Crawford.1887.
C.W.Report of the Joint Committee on the Conduct of the War.
Dabney.Memoir of a Narrative Received from Colonel John B.
Baldwin,of Staunton,touching the Origin of the War.By Reverend R.L.Dabney,D.D.,Southern Historical Society Papers,Vol.1.
Davis.Rise and Fail of the Confederate Government.By Jefferson Davis.2vols.1881.
Dunning.Essays on the Civil War and Reconstruction and Related Topics.By William A.Dunning.1898.
Field.Life of David Dudley Field.By Henry M.Field.1898.
Flower.Edwin McMasters Stanton.By Frank Abial Flower.1902.
Fry.Military Miscellanies.By James B.Fry.1889.
Galaxy.The History of Emancipation.By Gideon Welles.
The Galaxy,XIV,838-851.
Gilmore.Personal Recollections of Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War.By James R.Gilmore.1899.
Gilmore,Atlantic.A Suppressed Chapter of History.By James R.Gilmore,Atlantic Monthly,April,1887.
Globe.Congressional Globe,Containing the Debates and Proceedings.1834-1873.
Godwin.Biography of William Cullen Bryant.By Parke Godwin.
1883.Gore.The Boyhood of Abraham Lincoln.By J.Rogers Gore.1921.
Gorham.Life and Public Services of Edwin M.Stanton.By George C.Gorham.2vols.1899.
Grant.Personal Memoirs.By Ulysses S.Grant.2vols.1886.
Greeley.The American Conflict.By Horace Greeley.2vols.
Gurowski.Diary from March 4,1861,to November 12,1862.By Adam Gurowski.1862.
Hanks.Nancy Hanks.By Caroline Hanks Hitchcock.1900.
Harris.Public Life of Zachary Chandler.By W.C.Harris,Michigan Historical Commission.1917.
Hart.Salmon Portland Chase.By Albert Bushnell Hart.1899.
Hay MS.Diary of John Hay.The war period is covered by three volumes of manuscript.Photostat copies in the library of the Massachusetts Historical Society,accessible only by special permission.
Hay,Century.Life in the White House in the Time of Lincoln.By John Hay,Century Magazine,November,1890.
The New York Herald.
Herndon.Herndon's Lincoln.The True Story of a Great Life:The History and Personal Recollections of Abraham Lincoln.By W.H.
Herndon and J.W.Weik.3vols.(paged continuously).1890.
Hill.Lincoln the Lawyer.By Frederick Trevers Hill 1906.