But,being then a mere nest of jealousy,and quarrelling and fighting,soon retired,and agreed with the Saracens upon a truce for three years,three months,three days,and three hours.Then,the English Christians,protected by the noble Saladin from Saracen revenge,visited Our Saviour's tomb;and then King Richard embarked with a small force at Acre to return home.
But he was shipwrecked in the Adriatic Sea,and was fain to pass through Germany,under an assumed name.Now,there were many people in Germany who had served in the Holy Land under that proud Duke of Austria who had been kicked;and some of them,easily recognising a man so remarkable as King Richard,carried their intelligence to the kicked Duke,who straightway took him prisoner at a little inn near Vienna.
The Duke's master the Emperor of Germany,and the King of France,were equally delighted to have so troublesome a monarch in safe keeping.Friendships which are founded on a partnership in doing wrong,are never true;and the King of France was now quite as heartily King Richard's foe,as he had ever been his friend in his unnatural conduct to his father.He monstrously pretended that King Richard had designed to poison him in the East;he charged him with having murdered,there,a man whom he had in truth befriended;
he bribed the Emperor of Germany to keep him close prisoner;and,finally,through the plotting of these two princes,Richard was brought before the German legislature,charged with the foregoing crimes,and many others.But he defended himself so well,that many of the assembly were moved to tears by his eloquence and earnestness.It was decided that he should be treated,during the rest of his captivity,in a manner more becoming his dignity than he had been,and that he should be set free on the payment of a heavy ransom.This ransom the English people willingly raised.
When Queen Eleanor took it over to Germany,it was at first evaded and refused.But she appealed to the honour of all the princes of the German Empire in behalf of her son,and appealed so well that it was accepted,and the King released.Thereupon,the King of France wrote to Prince John-'Take care of thyself.The devil is unchained!'
Prince John had reason to fear his brother,for he had been a traitor to him in his captivity.He had secretly joined the French King;had vowed to the English nobles and people that his brother was dead;and had vainly tried to seize the crown.He was now in France,at a place called Evreux.Being the meanest and basest of men,he contrived a mean and base expedient for making himself acceptable to his brother.He invited the French officers of the garrison in that town to dinner,murdered them all,and then took the fortress.With this recommendation to the good will of a lion-hearted monarch,he hastened to King Richard,fell on his knees before him,and obtained the intercession of Queen Eleanor.'I forgive him,'said the King,'and I hope I may forget the injury he has done me,as easily as I know he will forget my pardon.'
While King Richard was in Sicily,there had been trouble in his dominions at home:one of the bishops whom he had left in charge thereof,arresting the other;and making,in his pride and ambition,as great a show as if he were King himself.But the King hearing of it at Messina,and appointing a new Regency,this LONGCHAMP (for that was his name)had fled to France in a woman's dress,and had there been encouraged and supported by the French King.With all these causes of offence against Philip in his mind,King Richard had no sooner been welcomed home by his enthusiastic subjects with great display and splendour,and had no sooner been crowned afresh at Winchester,than he resolved to show the French King that the Devil was unchained indeed,and made war against him with great fury.