Mr.Watson had not been well enough to join the party at dinner, but was prevailed on to come down and drink tea with them.—'I wish we may be able to have a game of cards tonight,'said Elizabeth to Mrs.R.after seeing her rather comfortably seated in his arm chair.'Not on my account my dear, I beg.You know I am no card player.I think a snug chat infinitely better.I always say cards are very well sometimes, to break a formal circle, but one never wants them among friends.''I was thinking of its being something to amuse my father,'answered Elizabeth—'if it was not disagreable to you.He says his head won't bear Whist— but perhaps if we make a round game he may be tempted to sit down with us.'—'By all means my dear Creature.I am quite at your service.Only do not oblige me to chuse the game, that's all.Speculation is the only round game at Croydon now, but I can play anything.—When there is only one or two of you at home, you must be quite at a loss to amuse him—why do not you get him to play at Cribbage?—Margaret and I have played at Cribbage, most nights that we have not been engaged.'—A sound like a distant Carriage was at this moment caught; everybody listened; it became more decided; it certainly drew nearer.—It was an unusual sound in Stanton at any time of the day, for the Village was on no very public road, and contained no gentleman's familybut the Rector's.—The wheels rapidly approached;—in two minutes the general expectation was answered; they stopped beyond a doubt at the garden gate of the Parsonage.'Who could it be?—it was certainly a postchaise.—Penelope was the only creature to be thought of.She might perhaps have met with some unexpected opportunity of returning.'—A pause of suspense ensued.—Steps were distinguished, first along the paved Footway which led under the windows of the house to the front door, and then within the passage.They were the steps of a Man.It could not be Penelope.It must be Samuel.—The door opened, and displayed Tom Musgrave in the wrap of a Travellor.—He had been in London and was now on his way home, and he had come half a mile out of his road merely to call for ten minutes at Stanton.He loved to take people by surprise, with sudden visits at extraordinary seasons; and in the present instance had had the additional motive of being able to tell the Miss Watsons, whom he depended on finding sitting quietly employed after tea, that he was going home to an 8 o'clock dinner.—As it happened however, he did not give more surprise than he received, when instead of being shewn into the usual little sitting room, the door of the best parlour a foot larger each way than the other was thrown open, and he beheld a circle of smart people whom he could not immediately recognise arranged with all the honours of visiting round the fire, and Miss Watson sitting at the best Pembroke Table, with the best Tea things before her.He stood for a few seconds, in silent amazement.—'Musgrave!'—ejaculated Margaret in a tender voice.—He recollected himself, and came forward, delighted to find such a circle of Friends, and blessing his good fortune for the unlooked-for Indulgence.—He shook hands withRobert, bowed and smiled to the Ladies, and did everything very prettily; but as to any particularity of address or Emotion towards Margaret, Emma who closely observed him, perceived nothing that did not justify Elizabeth's opinions tho'Margaret's modest smiles imported that she meant to take the visit to herself.—He was persuaded without much difficulty to throw off his greatcoat, and drink tea with them.'For whether he dined at 8 or 9, as he observed, was a matter of very little consequence.'—and without seeming to seek, he did not turn away from the chair close to Margaret which she was assiduous in providing him.—She had thus secured him from her Sisters—but it was not immediately in her power to preserve him from her Brother's claims, for as he came avowedly from London, and had left it only four hours ago, the last current report as to public news, and the general opinion of the day must be understood, before Robert could let his attention be yielded to the less national, and important demands of the Women.—At last however he was at liberty to hear Margaret's soft address, as she spoke her fears of his having had a most terrible, cold, dark dreadful Journey.—'Indeed you should not have set out so late.''I could not be earlier,'he replied.'I was detained chatting at the Bedford, by a friend.—All hours are alike to me.—How long have you been in the Country Miss Margaret?'—'We came only this morning.—My kind Brother and Sister brought me home this very morning.—'Tis singular is not it?''You were gone a great while, were not you? a fortnight I suppose?'—'You may call a fortnight a great while Mr.Musgrave,'said Mrs.Robert smartly—'but we think a month very little.I assure you we bring her home at the end of a month, much against our will.''A month! have you really been gone a month! 'tisamazing how Time flies.''You may imagine,'said Margaret in a sort of Whisper, 'what are my Sensations in finding myself once more at Stanton.You know what a sad visitor I make.—And I was so excessively impatient to see Emma;—I dreaded the meeting, and at the same time longed for it.—Do you not comprehend the sort of feeling?'—'Not at all,'cried he aloud.'I could never dread a meeting with Miss Emma Watson,—or any of her Sisters.'It was lucky that he added that finish.—'Were you speaking to me?'— said Emma, who had caught her own name.—'Not absolutely'—he answered—'but I was thinking of you,—as many at a greater distance are probably doing at this moment.—Fine open weather Miss Emma!—Charming season for Hunting.''Emma is delightful, is not she?'—whispered Margaret.'I have found her more than answer my warmest hopes.—Did you ever see anything more perfectly beautiful? I think even you must be a convert to a brown complexion.'—He hesitated; Margaret was fair herself; and he did not particularly want to compliment her; but Miss Osborne and Miss Carr were likewise fair, and his devotion to them carried the day.'Your Sister's complexion,'said he at last, 'is as fine as a dark complexion can be, but I still profess my preference of a white skin.You have seen Miss Osborne?—she is my model for a truly feminine complexion, and she is very fair.'—'Is she fairer than me?'—Tom made no reply.—'Upon my Honour Ladies,'said he, giving a glance over his own person, 'I am highly endebted to your Condescension for admitting me, in such Dishabille into your Drawing room.I really did not consider how unfit I was to be here or I hope I should have kept my distance.Lady Osborne would tell me that I were growing as careless as her son, if she saw me in this condition.'—The Ladies were not wanting in civil returns; andRobert Watson stealing a view of his own head in an opposite glass,—said with equal civility, 'You cannot be more in dishabille than myself.—We got here so late, that I had not time even to put a little fresh powder in my hair.'—Emma could not help entering into what she supposed her Sister-in-law's feelings at that moment.—When the Tea-things were removed, Tom began to talk of his Carriage—but the old Card Table being set out, and the fish and counters with a tolerably clean pack brought forward from the beaufit by Miss Watson, the general voice was so urgent with him to join their party, that he agreed to allow himself another quarter of an hour.Even Emma was pleased that he would stay, for she was beginning to feel that a family party might be the worst of all parties; and the others were delighted.—'What's your Game?'— cried he, as they stood round the Table.—'Speculation I believe,'said Elizabeth—'My Sister recommends it, and I fancy we all like it.I know you do, Tom.'—'It is the only round game played at Croydon now,'said Mrs.Robert—'we never think of any other.I am glad it is a favourite with you.'—'Oh! me!'cried Tom.'Whatever you decide on, will be a favourite with me.—I have had some pleasant hours at Speculation in my time—but I have not been in the way of it now for a long while.—Vingt-un is the game at Osborne Castle; I have played nothing but Vingt-un of late.You would be astonished to hear the noise we make there.—The fine old, lofty Drawingroom rings again.Lady Osborne sometimes declares she cannot hear herself speak.—Lord Osborne enjoys it famously—he makes the best Dealer without exception that I ever beheld—such quickness and spirit! he lets nobody dream over their cards—I wish you could see him overdraw himself on both his own cards—it is worth anything in the World!'—'Dear me!'—cried Margaret 'why should not we play at Vingt-un?—I think it is a much better game than Speculation.I cannot say I am very fond of Speculation.'Mrs.Robert offered not another word in support of the game.—She was quite vanquished, and the fashions of Osborne Castle carried it over the fashions of Croydon.—'Do you see much of the Parsonage family at the Castle, Mr.Musgrave?'said Emma, as they were taking their seats.—'Oh! yes—they are almost always there.Mrs.Blake is a nice little good-humoured Woman, she and I are sworn friends; and Howard's a very gentlemanlike good sort of fellow!—You are not forgotten I assure you by any of the party.I fancy you must have a little cheek- glowing now and then Miss Emma.Were you not rather warm last Saturday about 9 or 10 o'clock in the Evening? I will tell you how it was.—I see you are dieing to know.—Says Howard to Lord Osborne—'At this interesting moment he was called on by the others, to regulate the game and determine some disputable point; and his attention was so totally engaged in the business and afterwards by the course of the game as never to revert to what he had been saying before;—and Emma, tho'suffering a good deal from Curiosity, dared not remind him.—He proved a very useful addition to their Table; without him, it would have been a party of such very near relations as could have felt little Interest, and perhaps maintained little complaisance, but his presence gave variety and secured good manners.—He was in fact excellently qualified to shine at a round Game; and few situations made him appear to greater advantage.He played with spirit, and had a great deal to say and tho'with no wit himself; could sometimes make use of the wit of an absent friend; and had a lively way of retailing a commonplace, or saying a mere nothing, that had greateffect at a Card Table.The ways, and good Jokes of Osborne Castle were now added to his ordinary means of Entertainment; he repeated the smart sayings of one Lady, detailed the oversights of another, and indulged them even with a copy of Lord Osborne's stile of overdrawing himself on both cards.—The Clock struck nine, while he was thus agreably occupied; and when Nanny came in with her Master's Bason of Gruel, he had the pleasure of observing to Mr.Watson that he should leave him at supper, while he went home to dinner himself.—The Carriage was ordered to the door—and no entreaties for his staying longer could now avail,—for he well knew, that if he staid he must sit down to supper in less than ten minutes—which to a Man whose heart had been long fixed on calling his next meal a Dinner, was quite insupportable.—On finding him determined to go, Margaret began to wink and nod at Elizabeth to ask him to dinner for the following day; and Elizabeth at last not able to resist hints, which her own hospitable, social temper more than half seconded, gave the invitation.'Would he give Robert the meeting, they should be very happy.''With the greatest pleasure'—was his first reply.In a moment afterwards—'That is if I can possibly get here in time— but I shoot with Lord Osborne, and therefore must not engage— You will not think of me unless you see me.'—And so, he departed, delighted with the uncertainty in which he had left it.