第105章 The Luck of the Star of Hassan(2)
Then an officer entered the tent, and commanded them to give up their swords and to follow him to Saladin to answer a charge that had been laid against them both, nor would he say any more.So they went as prisoners, and after waiting awhile, were ushered into a large room of the house where Saladin lodged, which was arranged as a court with a dais at one end.Before this they were stood, till presently the Sultan entered through the further door, and with him certain of his emirs and secretaries.Also Rosamund, who looked very pale, was brought there, and in attendance on her Masouda, calm-faced as ever.
The brethren bowed to them, but Saladin, whose eyes were full of rage, took no notice of their salutation.For a moment there was silence, then Saladin bade a secretary read the charge, which was brief.It was that they had conspired to steal away the princess of Baalbec.
"Where is the evidence against us?" asked Godwin boldly."The Sultan is just, and convicts no man save on testimony."Again Saladin motioned to the secretary, who read the words that had been taken down from the lips of the captain Abdullah.They demanded to be allowed to examine the captain Abdullah, and learned that he was already dead.Then the eunuch Mesrour was carried forward, for walk he could not, owing to the wound that Abdullah had given him, and told all his tale, how he had suspected Abdullah, and, following him, had heard him and one of the brethren speaking in the tent, and the words that passed, and afterwards seen Abdullah with the jewel in his hand.
When he had finished Godwin asked which of them he had heard speaking with Abdullah, and he answered that he could not say, as their voices were so alike, but one voice only had spoken.
Then Rosamund was ordered to give her testimony, and said, truly enough, that she knew nothing of the plot and had not thought of this flight.Masouda also swore that she now heard of it for the first time.After this the secretary announced that there was no more evidence, and prayed of the Sultan to give judgment in the matter.
"Against which of us," asked Godwin, "seeing that both the dead and the living witness declared they heard but one voice, and whose that voice was they did not know? According to your own law, you cannot condemn a man against whom there is no good testimony.""There is testimony against one of you," answered Saladin sternly, "that of two witnesses, as is required, and, as I have warned you long ago, that man shall die.Indeed, both of you should die, for I am sure that both are guilty.Still, you have been put upon your trial according to the law, and as a just judge I will not strain the law against you.Let the guilty one die by beheading at sundown, the hour at which he planned to commit his crime.The other may go free with the citizens of Jerusalem who depart to-night, bearing my message to the Frankish leaders in that holy town.""Which of us, then, is to die, and which to go free?" asked Godwin."Tell us, that he who is doomed may prepare his soul.""Say you, who know the truth," answered Saladin.
"We admit nothing," said Godwin; "yet, if one of us must die, Ias the elder claim that right."
"And I claim it as the younger.The jewel was Hassan's gift to me; who else could give it to Abdullah?" added Wulf, speaking for the first time, whereat all the Saracens there assembled, brave men who loved a knightly deed, murmured in admiration, and even Saladin said:
"Well spoken, both of you.So it seems that both must die."Then Rosamund stepped forward and threw herself upon her knees before him, exclaiming:
"Sire, my uncle, such is not your justice, that two should be slain for the offence of one, if offence there be.If you know not which is guilty, spare them both, I beseech you."He stretched out his hand and raised her from her knees: then thought awhile, and said:
"Nay, plead not with me, for however much you love him the guilty man must suffer, as he deserves.But of this matter Allah alone knows the truth, therefore let it be decided by Allah," and he rested his head upon his hand, looking at Wulf and Godwin as though to read their souls.
Now behind Saladin stood that old and famous imaum who had been with him and Hassan when he commanded the brethren to depart from Damascus, who all this while had listened to everything that passed with a sour smile.Leaning forward, he whispered in his master's ear, who considered a moment, then answered him:
"It is good.Do so."
So the imaum left the court, and returned presently carrying two small boxes of sandalwood tied with silk and sealed, so like each other that none could tell them apart, which boxes he passed continually from his right hand to his left and from his left hand to his right, then gave them to Saladin.
"In one of these," said the Sultan, "is that jewel known as the enchanted Star and the Luck of the House of Hassan, which the prince presented to his conqueror on the day of Hattin, and for the desire of which my captain Abdullah became a traitor and was brought to death.In the other is a pebble of the same weight.
Come, my niece, take you these boxes and give them to your kinsmen, to each the box you will.The jewel that is called the Star of Hassan is magical, and has virtue, so they say.Let it choose, therefore, which of these knights is ripe for death, and let him perish in whose box the Star is found.""Now," muttered the imaum into the ear of his master, "now at length we shall learn which it is of these two men that the lady loves.""That is what I seek to know," answered Saladin in the same low voice.
As she heard this decree Rosamund looked round wildly and pleaded:
"Oh! be not so cruel.I beseech you spare me this task.Let it be another hand that is chosen to deal death to one of those of my own blood with whom I have dwelt since childhood.Let me not be the blind sword of fate that frees his spirit, lest it should haunt my dreams and turn all my world to woe.Spare me, I beseech you."But Saladin looked at her very sternly and answered: