It should seem that the power of the Church,which has been so long on the decline in Europe,is at length beginning to be shaken in the colonies of the Catholic powers:some recent instances which have taken place at Teneriffe,evince it very fully.Were not a stranger,however,to be apprized of this,he would hardly draw the conclusion from his own observations.The Bishop of these islands,which conjunctively form a See,resides on the Grand Canary.He is represented as a man in years,and of a character as amiable as exalted,extremely beloved both by foreigners and those of his own church.The bishopric is valued at ten thousand pounds per annum;the government at somewhat less than two.
In spite of every precaution,while we lay at anchor in the road,a convict had the address,one night,to secrete himself on the deck,when the rest were turned below;and after remaining quiet for some hours,let himself down over the bow of the ship,and floated to a boat that lay astern,into which he got,and cutting her adrift,suffered himself to be carried away by the current,until at a sufficient distance to be out of hearing,when he rowed off.This elopement was not discovered till some hours after,when a search being made,and boats sent to the different parts of the island,he was discovered in a small cove,to which he had fled for refuge.
On being questioned,it appeared he had endeavoured to get himself received on board a Dutch East Indiaman in the road;but being rejected there,he resolved on crossing over to the Grand Canary,which is at the distance of ten leagues,and when detected,was recruiting his strength in order to make the attempt.At the same time that the boats of the fleet were sent on this pursuit,information was given to the Spanish Governor of what had happened,who immediately detached parties every way in order to apprehend the delinquent.
Having remained a week at Teneriffe,and in that time completed our stock of water,and taken on board wine,&c.early on the morning of the 10th of June we weighed anchor,and stood out to sea with a light easterly breeze.
The shortness of our stay,and the consequent hurry,prevented our increasing much any previous knowledge we might have had of the place.
For the information of those who may follow us on this service,it may not,however,be amiss to state the little that will be found of use to them.
The markets afford fresh meat,though it is neither plentiful nor good.
Fish is scarce;but poultry may be procured in almost any quantity,at as cheap a rate as in the English sea-ports.Vegetables do not abound,except pumpkins and onions,of which I advise all ships to lay in a large stock.Milch goats are bought for a trifle,and easily procured.
Grapes cannot be scarce in their season;but when we were here,except figs and excellent mulberries,no fruit was to be procured.Dry wines,as the merchants term them,are sold from ten to fifteen pounds a pipe;for the latter price,the very best,called the London Particular,may be bought:sweet wines are considerably dearer.Brandy is also a cheap article.I would not advise the voyager to depend on this place for either his hogs or sheep.And he will do well to supply himself with dollars before he quits England,to expend in the different ports he may happen to touch at.Should he,however,have neglected this precaution,let him remember when he discounts bills,or exchanges English money here,not to receive his returns in quarter dollars,which will be tendered to him,but altogether in whole ones,as he will find the latter turn to better account than the former,both at Rio de Janeiro and the Cape of Good Hope.
The latitude of the town of Santa Cruz is 28deg 271/2min north,the longitude 16deg 171/2min west of Greenwich.