A little later, Crass, still sitting by the fire, heard footsteps approaching along the passage.He started up guiltily and, thrusting the hand holding his pipe into his apron pocket, retreated hastily into the scullery.He thought it might be Hunter, who was in the habit of turning up at all sorts of unlikely times, but it was only Easton.
`I've got a bit of bacon I want the young 'un to toast for me,' he said as Crass came back.
`You can do it yourself if you like,' replied Crass affably, looking at his watch.`It's about ten to eight.'
Easton had been working for Rushton & Co.for a fortnight, and had been wise enough to stand Crass a drink on several occasions: he was consequently in that gentleman's good books for the time being.
`How are you getting on in there?' Crass asked, alluding to the work Easton and Owen were doing in the drawing-room.`You ain't fell out with your mate yet, I s'pose?'
`No; 'e ain't got much to say this morning; 'is cough's pretty bad.Ican generally manage to get on orl right with anybody, you know,'
Easton added.
`Well, so can I as a rule, but I get a bit sick listening to that bloody fool.Accordin' to 'im, everything's wrong.One day it's religion, another it's politics, and the next it's something else.'
`Yes, it is a bit thick; too much of it,' agreed Easton, `but I don't take no notice of the bloody fool: that's the best way.'
`Of course, we know that things is a bit bad just now,' Crass went on, `but if the likes of 'im could 'ave their own way they'd make 'em a bloody sight worse.'
`That's just what I say,' replied Easton.
`I've got a pill ready for 'im, though, next time 'e start yappin','
Crass continued as he drew a small piece of printed paper from his waistcoat pocket.`Just read that; it's out of the Obscurer.'
Easton took the newspaper cutting and read it: `Very good,' he remarked as he handed it back.
`Yes, I think that'll about shut 'im up.Did yer notice the other day when we was talking about poverty and men bein' out of work, 'ow 'e dodged out of answerin' wot I said about machinery bein' the cause of it? 'e never answered me! Started talkin' about something else.'
`Yes, I remember 'e never answered it,' said Easton, who had really no recollection of the incident at all.
`I mean to tackle 'im about it at breakfast-time.I don't see why 'e should be allowed to get out of it like that.There was a bloke down at the "Cricketers" the other night talkin' about the same thing - a chap as takes a interest in politics and the like, and 'e said the very same as me.Why, the number of men what's been throwed out of work by all this 'ere new-fangled machinery is something chronic!'
`Of course,' agreed Easton, `everyone knows it.'
`You ought to give us a look in at the "Cricketers" some night.
There's a lot of decent chaps comes there.'
`Yes, I think I will.'
`What 'ouse do you usually use?' asked Crass after a pause.
Easton laughed.`Well, to tell you the truth I've not used anywhere's lately.Been 'avin too many 'ollerdays.'
`That do make a bit of difference, don't it?' said Crass.`But you'll be all right 'ere, till this job's done.Just watch yerself a bit, and don't get comin' late in the mornin's.Old Nimrod's dead nuts on that.'
`I'll see to that all right,' replied Easton.`I don't believe in losing time when there IS work to do.It's bad enough when you can't get it.'
`You know,' Crass went on, confidentially.`Between me an' you an'
the gatepost, as the sayin' is, I don't think Mr bloody Owen will be 'ere much longer.Nimrod 'ates the sight of 'im.'
Easton had it in his mind to say that Nimrod seemed to hate the sight of all of them: but he made no remark, and Crass continued:
`'E's 'eard all about the way Owen goes on about politics and religion, an' one thing an' another, an' about the firm scampin' the work.You know that sort of talk don't do, does it?'
`Of course not.'
`'Unter would 'ave got rid of 'im long ago, but it wasn't 'im as took 'im on in the first place.It was Rushton 'imself as give 'im a start.It seems Owen took a lot of samples of 'is work an' showed 'em to the Bloke.'
`Is them the things wot's 'angin' up in the shop-winder?'
`Yes!' said Crass, contemptuously.`But 'e's no good on plain work.
Of course 'e does a bit of grainin' an' writin' - after a fashion -when there's any to do, and that ain't often, but on plain work, why, Sawkins is as good as 'im for most of it, any day!'
`Yes, I suppose 'e is,' replied Easton, feeling rather ashamed of himself for the part he was taking in this conversation.
Although he had for the moment forgotten the existence of Bert, Crass had instinctively lowered his voice, but the boy - who had left off working to warm his hands by putting them into his trousers pockets -managed, by listening attentively, to hear every word.
`You know there's plenty of people wouldn't give the firm no more work if they knowed about it,' Crass continued.`Just fancy sendin' a b--r like that to work in a lady's or gentleman's 'ouse - a bloody Atheist!'
`Yes, it is a bit orf, when you look at it like that.'
`I know my missis - for one - wouldn't 'ave a feller like that in our place.We 'ad a lodger once and she found out that 'e was a freethinker or something, and she cleared 'im out, bloody quick, I can tell yer!'
`Oh, by the way,' said Easton, glad of an opportunity to change the subject, `you don't happen to know of anyone as wants a room, do you?
We've got one more than we want, so the wife thought that we might as well let it.'
Crass thought for a moment.`Can't say as I do,' he answered, doubtfully.`Slyme was talking last week about leaving the place 'e's lodging at, but I don't know whether 'e's got another place to go to.
You might ask him.I don't know of anyone else.'
`I'll speak to 'im,' replied Easton.`What's the time? it must be nearly on it.'
`So it is: just on eight,' exclaimed Crass, and drawing his whistle he blew a shrill blast upon it to apprise the others of the fact.
`Has anyone seen old Jack Linden since 'e got the push?' inquired Harlow during breakfast.
`I seen 'im Saterdy,' said Slyme.
`Is 'e doin' anything?'