"Consequently," continued Simon, "I have the honor to request, according to the wish of all present, that his honor the mayor will now take the chair."Phileas rose and crossed the salon, conscious that he was becoming as red as a cherry.Then, when he stood behind the table, he saw, not a hundred eyes, but a hundred thousand candles.The sun seemed to him to be setting fire to the salon, and he had, to use his own expression, a lump of salt in his throat.
"Return thanks," said Simon, in a low voice.
Such total silence ensued that Phileas had a spasm of colic.
"What must I say, Simon?" he whispered.
"Well, well!" exclaimed Achille Pigoult.
"Messieurs," said Simon, goaded by the sarcastic interjection of the little notary, "the honor which you have done to Monsieur le Maire may take him unawares, but it cannot surprise him.""That's it," said Beauvisage; "I am too sensible of this attention on the part of my fellow-citizens not to be excessively flattered by it.""Bravo!" cried the notary alone.
"The devil take me!" thought Beauvisage, "if I am ever caught haranguing again.""Will Messieurs Fromaget and Marcelin accept the functions of inspectors of the ballot?""It would be more regular," said Achille Pigoult, rising, "if the meeting itself nominated those officers,--following, of course, the parliamentary forms of the Chamber.""That is best," said the huge Monsieur Mollot, clerk of the court;"otherwise what is here taking place would be a mere farce; we should not be free in our action, in which case we might as well continue to do the will of Monsieur Simon Giguet."Simon said a few words to Beauvisage, who rose and delivered himself of a "Messieurs!" in palpitating tones.
"Pardon me, Monsieur le president," said Achille Pigoult, "the chairman presides, he does not speak.""Messieurs," continued Beauvisage, prompted by Simon, "if we are--to conform--to parliamentary usage--I shall beg--the honorable gentleman --Monsieur Pigoult--to address the meeting--from this table--here present--"Pigoult sprang to the table, stood beside it with his fingers resting lightly on its edge, and gave proof of his boldness by delivering the following speech without the slightest embarrassment, and somewhat after the manner of the illustrious Monsieur Thiers.
"Messieurs, it was not I who made that proposal for parliamentary usage; nevertheless I can conceive that an assemblage of some sixty notabilities of Champagne needs a chairman to guide it; for no flock can get on without a shepherd.If we had voted for secret balloting, Iam certain that the name of our excellent mayor would have been returned unanimously.His opposition to the candidate put forward by his relations proves to us that he possesses civic courage in the highest degree, inasmuch as he has dared to free himself from the closest ties--those of family.Patriotism before family! that is indeed so great an effort that, to make it, we are forced to believe that Brutus from his realm of justice still contemplates us after the lapse of two thousand, five hundred and some years.It seemed natural to Maitre Giguet, who had the merit of divining our wishes in the choice of a chairman, to guide us still further in electing inspectors; but, if I am not mistaken, you think with me that once is enough--and you are right.Our mutual friend, Simon Giguet, who intends to offer himself as candidate, would have the air of assuming mastery, and he might, consequently, lose in our minds the good-will we should otherwise bestow upon a modest attitude like that of his venerable father.Now what is our worthy chairman doing at this moment by accepting the method of presiding suggested to him by the candidate? He is depriving us of our liberty! I ask you: is it proper that the chairman of our choice should tell us to nominate, by rising or sitting, inspectors of the ballot thus forced upon us? Have we any liberty of choice? If I were proposed, I believe all present would rise out of politeness; indeed, we should all feel bound to rise for one another, and I say there can be no choice where there is no freedom of action.""He is right," said the sixty auditors.
"Therefore, let us each write two names on a ballot, and the two gentlemen who are elected will then feel themselves the real choice of this assembly; they will have the right, conjointly with our honorable chairman, to pronounce upon the majority when we come to a vote on the resolutions to be offered.We are here, I think, to promise to a candidate the fullest support that each can give at the coming primary meeting of all the electors of the arrondissement.This act is therefore, and I so declare it, a grave one.Does it not concern one four-hundredth part of the governing power,--as our excellent mayor has lately said with the ready wit that characterizes him and for which we have so high an appreciation?"During these remarks Colonel Giguet was cutting a sheet of paper into strips, and Simon had sent for pens and ink.
This preliminary discussion on forms had already made Simon extremely uneasy, and had also aroused the attention of the sixty assembled bourgeois.Presently they began to write their ballots, and the wily Pigoult contrived to obtain a majority for Monsieur Mollot, the clerk of the court, and Monsieur Godivet, the registrar.These nominations were naturally very displeasing to Fromaget, the apothecary, and Marcelin the solicitor.
"You enable us," said Achille Pigoult, "to manifest our independence.
Therefore you may feel more pride in being rejected than you could have felt in being chosen."Everybody laughed.
Simon Giguet then produced silence by demanding speech of the chairman, whose shirt was already wet and became still wetter as he mustered all his courage to say:--"Monsieur Simon Giguet has the floor."