Fountain of Earth in center of pool, carrying mind down the ages to correspond with architect's conception of court.
Steam rising from base of fountain; figures silhouetted in warm red glow; lighter tone of red at upper portion of ball; shimmering reflection of panels, with red background in pool at sides of fountain.
Serpent cauldrons, around edge of pool, to heighten weird effect, by the flickering of the gas lamps.
Large cauldrons at east and west entrances; effect of simmering molten liquid.
Steam used in court, obtained from twenty horse-power boiler under tower.
Main tower, only tower without direct light thrown on exterior;religious feeling, increased by candlesticks, two on each side; steam to suggest smoke drifting upward.
Reflection of tower in pool, to be seen from south.
Cathedral appearance of windows at sides of court, by illumination in warm orange tone from within.
Sunburst standards modelled in imitation of snow crystal, and resembling monstrance used in Catholic church; two at south of court; only large light sources in court; contrast with other illumination.
Two fairy lanterns in each arch around court.
Brangwyn murals lighted without glare by indirect diffusion from four corners.
Play of lights along colonnade; lighting on murals adds to apparent distance.
North Entrance to Court of the AgesSimilar treatment of lights, brighter than in central court; four star clusters, sixteen serpent cauldrons; effect heightened.
Tower, more beautiful from Marina side; note of refinement illumination in altar, shadow in two colors, created by red light illuminated by pale amber lights.
Star clusters convey to mind religious feeling in keeping with design;cathedral effect.
View of Italian Towers at sides of Court of Flowers, from north court, red glow and green columns of towers on either side of Mullgardt tower, vivid contrast.
To Court of the Universe, through Florentine Court.
Florentine CourtFlorentine Court; only illumination, single lamp standards; contrast with intense light in Court of Universe, beyond.
Fine shadow effects against walls; vertical shadows of columns in arches contrasted with shadows of trees and shrubbery.
Court of the UniverseArch of Rising Sun; light through latticed windows in arch to give faint spots of luminous color.
Illumination of main and side arches; curvature preserved and details thrown into relief by lights of different strengths and colors;concealed red light on one side and pale lemon light on other side thrown on arch.All main arches similarly accentuated.
Urns in side arches, effect heightened by lights thrown from sides, bring out lines; red on one side, on the other pale green.
Colonnade, illuminated by three translucent shell cups sunk into central groove of each column at rear; spear of light from each shell up the grooves or fluting; pleasant glow through shells from below.Effect of melted gold, suggesting the tongues of fire mentioned in the Scriptures.
Sculptural groups on Arches of Rising and Setting Sun, flooded with light from searchlights, creating black shadows, in turn illuminated by purple lights on top of arch.Figures thrown into relief.
Tower of Jewels, gradual illumination; early evening, faintly lighted;later, when searchlights are turned on, tower dominates southern wall;blaze of white light; jewels sparkle like diamonds; turquoise columns, faintly colored in bright light; statues, orange color.
Star figures around court above colonnades, jewelled; each has forty-two stones, illuminated by small searchlights on opposite side of court.
Early evening, pretty effect; little jets of light from figures shoot across the court in clearly defined rays.Later, flood of lights from columns in court above the small rays.
Fountains of Rising and Setting Sun; columns, said to be strongest light sources ever created; aggregate 500,000 candlepower sufficient to illuminate 500,000 square feet of surface; fluting of columns glazed with special diffusion glass.For elimination of shadows caused by structure, there is diffusive glass inside.The glare from the light source is not excessive; brilliancy low; daring illumination of entire court.
Lights under water in pools of fountains; source and reflection concealed; yellow light diffused over surface.
Figures on pedestals of balustrades mark boundary of Sunken Garden; not for illumination, but for ornament merely.
Domes of corner pavilions, north of Tower of Jewels, fine contrasts in interior; delicate blue ceiling; orange at sides.
Bear fountains at sides of Palaces of Manufactures and Liberal Arts, north of Tower of Jewels; three on each wall in flat niches; coloring, pink wall, turquoise blue, green; lights concealed under water; when water is flowing, wavering light like heat waves; niches hardly noticeable when water is not flowing.
Tower of Jewels, interior of main arch, accentuated by lights at sides above columns; no illumination on murals.
In niches at either side, Fountains of Youth and El Dorado, flood-lighted from above; no colored lights; two single lamp standards in each court; reflection of fountain figures in pools.
On the Way to the MarinaLighting of colonnades, vivid pinks and blues.Illumination in colonnade from lamps concealed in cups in one of the inner flutes of each column.
Notice reflections of colonnade in pool.
Column of Progress; flood light on figures on top of column by searchlights.
On the MarinaNorth facade of buildings, tall dark-green planting against walls, black vertical shadows; shading of lawn; flood light standards, spots of dull orange light through translucent rigid shields.Spots of light from single globes along avenue, on water front, white lights on booths; glow from lamps at entrance to Court of Four Seasons.