第38章 Conclusion(24)
Thayer, W.R.: `The American' (Phila.) December 20, 1884; February 18, 1888.
Thayer, W.R.(ed.): `Letters of Sidney Lanier' [to Mr.and Mrs.
Gibson Peacock], `The Atlantic Monthly' (Boston) 74.14-28, 181-193, July and August, 1894.
Tolman, A.H.: `Lanier's Science of English Verse', in Gilman's `Memorial', pp.37-45.
Travelers' Record, The (Hartford, Conn.): October, 1885:
`Owl against Robin'.
Turnbull, Mrs.Lawrence: `The Catholic Man: A Study', Boston, 1890, gives, in Paul, the poet, an imaginative study of the character of Mr.Lanier, with whom the author was intimately acquainted and to whom she was devoted.
Turnbull, Francese L.(= Mrs.Lawrence T.): `Sidney Lanier: A Study', in Sladen's `Younger American Poets', New York, 1891, pp.645-655.
Urban, Francis: Music to Lanier's `A Ballad of Trees and the Master'.
Baltimore: Otto Sutro & Co., 1886.
Von Sturmer, H.H.: `A Soldier-poet', `Excelsior' (Barbados) 1.233-236, October, 1890.
Walker, Geo.W.: `Quarterly Review of M.E.Church, South' (Macon, Ga.)7.193-206, April, 1885.
Ward, Wm.Hayes: `Sidney Lanier on Moral Purpose in Art', `The Independent' (New York), May 3, 1883.
Ward, Wm.Hayes: `Sidney Lanier, Poet', `Century Magazine' 5.816-821, April, 1884.
Ward, Wm.Hayes: `Memorial', prefixed to `Poems of Sidney Lanier', edited by his wife, pp.xi-xl.
Warner, Charles Dudley: `Letter at Unveiling of Poet's Bust at Macon, Ga.', October 17, 1890, `The Atlanta (Ga.) Constitution' of October 19, 1890.
Washington, Hugh V.: `Address on Accepting the Bust of Lanier for the City of Macon, Ga.', October 17, 1890, `The Atlanta (Ga.) Constitution'
of October 19, 1890.
West, Charles N.: `Address before the Georgia Historical Society', Savannah, December 5, 1887, 25 pp.
Wilkinson, W.C.: `The Independent' (New York), September, 1886.
Wilson, Heileman: `Fetter's Southern Magazine' (Louisville, Ky.) 2.11-15, February, 1893.
Wilson (J.G.) and Fiske (J.), eds.: `Appleton's Cyclopaedia of American Biography', New York, 1888, vol.iii., 613, has brief sketches of S.and C.Lanier.
Wray, J.E.: `Song of the Chattahoochee', `Quarterly Review of M.E.Church, South' (Nashville), New Series, 16.157-163, April, 1894.
VII.Poetical TributesAndrews, Maude Annulet: `Literary World' (Boston) 18.184, June 11, 1887.
Barbe, Waiteman: in his `Ashes and Incense', Philadelphia, 1892.
Burroughs, Ellen: `Literary World' (Boston) 21.40, February 1, 1890.
Burton, Richard E.: Gilman's `Memorial', p.12.
Clark, Simeon Tupper: `The Buffalo (N.Y.) Courier', November, 1881.
Colquitt, Mel R.: `The Period', Atlanta, Ga.
Cowdin, Jasper Barnett: `Hopeset and Sunrise', `Southern Bivouac'
(Louisville, Ky.) 1.614-615, March, 1886.
Cummings, James: Gilman's `Memorial', pp.13-17.
Dandridge, Danske: in her `Joy and Other Poems', New York and London, 1888.
Easter, Marguerite E.: in her `Clytie and Other Poems', Boston, 1891.
Edwards, Harry S.: `The Atlanta (Ga.) Constitution' of October 19, 1890.
Garland, Hamlin: `Southern Bivouac' (Louisville, Ky.) 2.759, May, 1887.
Gates, Mrs.Merrill E.: `Home Journal' (New York), April 16, 1890.
Hayne, Paul Hamilton: `The Pole of Death', in `Poems' (Boston, 1882), p.322.
Hayne, Wm.H.: `Poem for the Unveiling of the Bust of S.L.at Macon, Ga., October 17, 1890', `The Atlanta (Ga.) Constitution' of October 19, 1890;`Sidney Lanier', in his `Sylvan Lyrics and Other Verses' (New York), 1893.
Hubner, Charles W.: `The Atlanta (Ga.) Constitution' of September 12, 1881.
Lanier, Clifford: `Acknowledgment, To all who love S.L.', `The Independent' (New York), April 9, 1885.
Reese, Lizette Woodworth: `Southern Bivouac' (Louisville, Ky.) 2.488, January, 1887; `With a Copy of Lanier's Poems', `The Independent' (New York)44.322, March 3, 1892.
Roberts, Charles G.D.: `To the Memory of S.L.', in his `In Divers Tones', Boston, 1886, pp.95-96; `On Reading the Poems of S.L.', ib., p.97;`For a Bust of L.', `The Independent' (New York) 43.625, April 30, 1891.
Scollard, Clinton: `Literary World' (Boston), vol.18, May 14, 1886.
Tabb, John B.: `To Sidney Lanier', in Gilman's `Memorial', p.11;`Sidney Lanier', `The Atlanta (Ga.) Constitution' of October 19, 1890;`Greeting to S.L.', in `The Times-Democrat' (New Orleans) of December, 1891, and quoted by Spann in `The Independent' (New York) 46.822, June 28, 1894.
Thomas, Edith M.: Gilman's `Memorial', pp.22-23.
Turnbull, Francese E.: Gilman's `Memorial', pp.18-21.