"Keep away from me, you common cow-hands," said Sponsilier, as a group of us waited for him at the foot of the court-house stairs.
But Dave's gravity soon turned to a smile as he continued: "Did you fellows notice The Rebel and me sitting inside the rail among all the big augers? Paul, was it a dream, or did we sleep in a bed last night and have a sure-enough pillow under our heads? My memory is kind of hazy to-day, but I remember the drinks and the cigars all right, and saying to some one that this luck was too good to last.And here we are turned out in the cold world again, our fun all over, and now must go tack to those measly cattle.
But it's just what I expected."
The crowd dispersed quietly, though the sheriff took the precaution to accompany the plaintiffs and Tolleston back to their hotel.The absence of the two deputies whom we had met the day before was explained by the testimony of the one-armed cowman.When the two drovers came downstairs, they were talking very confidentially together, and on my employer noticing the large number of his men present, he gave orders for them to meet him at once at the White Elephant saloon.Those who had horses at hand mounted and dashed down the street, while the rest of us took it leisurely around to the appointed rendezvous, some three blocks distant.While on the way, I learned from The Rebel that the cattle on which the attachment was to be made that afternoon were then being held well up the North Fork.Sheriff Phillips joined us shortly after we entered the saloon, and informed my employer and Mr.Reed that the firm of Field, Radcliff & Co.had declared war.They had even denounced him and the sheriff's office as being in collusion against them, and had dispatched Tolleston with orders to refuse service.
"Let them get on the prod all they want to," said Don Lovell to Reed and the sheriff."I've got ninety men here, and you fellows are welcome to half of them, even if I have to go out and stand a watch on night-herd myself.Reed, we can't afford to have our busiuess ruined by such a set of sconndrels, and we might as well fight it out here and now.Look at the situation I'm in.Ahundred thousand dollars wouldn't indemnify me in having my cattle refused as late as the middle of September at Fort Buford.
And believing that I will be turned down, under my contract, so Sutton says, 1 must tender my beeves on the appointed day of delivery, which will absolve my bondsmen and me from all liability.A man can't trifle with the government--the cattle must be there.Now in my ease, Jim, what would you do?""That's a hard question, Don.You see we're strangers up in this Northwest country.Now, if it was home in Texas, there would be only one thing to do.Of course I'm no longer handy with a shotgun, but you've got two good arms.""Well, gentlemen," said the sheriff, "you must excuse me for interrupting, but if my deputies are to take possession of that herd this afternoon, I must saddle up and go to the front.If Honest John and associates try to stand up any bluffs on my office, they'll only run on the rope once.I'm much obliged to you, Mr.Lovell, for the assurance of any help I may need, for it's quite likely that I may have to call upon you.If a ring of government speculators can come out here and refuse service, or dictate to my office, then old Keith County is certainly on the verge of decadence.Now, I'll be all ready to start for the North Fork in fifteen minutes, and I'd admire to have you all go along."Lovell and Reed both expressed a willingness to accompany the sheriff.Phillips thanked them and nodded to the force behind the mahogany, who dexterously slid the glasses up and down the bar, and politely inquired of the double row confronting them as to their tastes.As this was the third round since entering the place, I was anxious to get away, and summoning Forrest, we started for our horses.We had left them at a barn on a back street, but before reaching the livery, Quince concluded that he needed a few more cartridges.I had ordered a hundred the day before for my own personal use, but they had been sent out with the supplies and were then in camp.My own belt was filled with ammunition, but on Forrest buying fifty, I took an equal number, and after starting out of the store, both turned back and doubled our purchases.On arriving at the stable, whom should I meet but the Wyoming cowman who had left us at Grinnell.Daring the few minutes in which I was compelled to listen to his troubles, he informed me that on his arrival at Ogalalla, all the surplus cow-hands had been engaged by a man named Tolleston for the Yellowstone country.He had sent to his ranch, however, for an outfit who would arrive that evening, and he expected to start his herd the next morning.But without wasting any words, Forrest and I swung into our saddles, waved a farewell to the wayfaring acquaintance, and rode around to the White Elephant.The sheriff and quite a cavalcade of our boys bad already started, and on reaching the street which terminated in the only road leading to the North Fork, we were halted by Flood to await the arrival of the others.Jim Reed and my employer were still behind, and some little time was lost before they came up, sufficient to give the sheriff a full half-mile start.But under the leadership of the two drovers, we shook out our horses, and the advance cavalcade were soon overtaken.