Both horses and men were fairly exhausted from the gruelling strain of many days of marching and fighting, so Norman of Torn went into camp that night;nor did he again take up his march until the second morning, three days after the battle of Lewes.
He bent his direction toward the north and Leicester's castle, where he had reason to believe he would find a certain young woman, and though it galled his sore heart to think upon the humiliation that lay waiting his coming, he could not do less than that which he felt his honor demanded.
Beside him on the march rode the fierce red giant, Shandy, and the wiry, gray little man of Torn, whom the outlaw called father.
In no way, save the gray hair and the parchment-surfaced skin, had the old fellow changed in all these years.Without bodily vices, and clinging ever to the open air and the exercise of the foil, he was still young in muscle and endurance.
For five years, he had not crossed foils with Norman of Torn, but he constantly practiced with the best swordsmen of the wild horde, so that it had become a subject often discussed among the men as to which of the two, father or son, was the greater swordsman.
Always taciturn, the old fellow rode in his usual silence.Long since had Norman of Torn usurped by the force of his strong character and masterful ways, the position of authority in the castle of Torn.The old man simply rode and fought with the others when it pleased him; and he had come on this trip because he felt that there was that impending for which he had waited over twenty years.
Cold and hard, he looked with no love upon the man he still called "my son." If he held any sentiment toward Norman of Torn, it was one of pride which began and ended in the almost fiendish skill of his pupil's mighty sword arm.
The little army had been marching for some hours when the advance guard halted a party bound south upon a crossroad.There were some twenty or thirty men, mostly servants, and a half dozen richly garbed knights.
As Norman of Torn drew rein beside them, he saw that the leader of the party was a very handsome man of about his own age, and evidently a person of distinction; a profitable prize, thought the outlaw.
"Who are you," said the gentleman, in French, "that stops a prince of France upon the highroad as though he were an escaped criminal ? Are you of the King's forces, or De Montfort's ?""Be this Prince Philip of France ?" asked Norman of Torn.
"Yes, but who be you ?"
"And be you riding to meet my Lady Bertrade de Montfort ?" continued the outlaw, ignoring the Prince's question.
"Yes, an it be any of your affair," replied Philip curtly.
"It be," said the Devil of Torn, "for I be a friend of My Lady Bertrade, and as the way be beset with dangers from disorganized bands of roving soldiery, it is unsafe for Monsieur le Prince to venture on with so small an escort.Therefore will the friend of Lady Bertrade de Montfort ride with Monsieur le Prince to his destination that Monsieur may arrive there safely.""It is kind of you, Sir Knight, a kindness that I will not forget.But, again, who is it that shows this solicitude for Philip of France ?""Norman of Torn, they call me," replied the outlaw.
"Indeed !" cried Philip."The great and bloody outlaw ?" Upon his handsome face there was no look of fear or repugnance.
Norman of Torn laughed.
"Monsieur le Prince thinks, mayhap, that he will make a bad name for himself," he said, "if he rides in such company ?""My Lady Bertrade and her mother think you be less devil than saint," said the Prince."They have told me of how you saved the daughter of De Montfort, and, ever since, I have been of a great desire to meet you, and to thank you.It had been my intention to ride to Torn for that purpose so soon as we reached Leicester, but the Earl changed all our plans by his victory and only yesterday, on his orders, the Princess Eleanor, his wife, with the Lady Bertrade, rode to Battel, where Simon de Montfort and the King are to be today.The Queen also is there with her retinue, so it be expected that, to show the good feeling and renewed friendship existing between De Montfort and his King, there will be gay scenes in the old fortress.But," he added, after a pause, "dare the Outlaw of Torn ride within reach of the King who has placed a price upon his head ?""The price has been there since I was eighteen," answered Norman of Torn, "and yet my head be where it has always been.Can you blame me if I look with levity upon the King's price ? It be not heavy enough to weigh me down; nor never has it held me from going where I listed in all England.Iam freer than the King, My Lord, for the King be a prisoner today."Together they rode toward Battel, and as they talked, Norman of Torn grew to like this brave and handsome gentleman.In his heart was no rancor because of the coming marriage of the man to the woman he loved.
If Bertrade de Montfort loved this handsome French prince, then Norman of Torn was his friend; for his love was a great love, above jealousy.It not only held her happiness above his own, but the happiness and welfare of the man she loved, as well.
It was dusk when they reached Battel and as Norman of Torn bid the prince adieu, for the horde was to make camp just without the city, he said:
"May I ask My Lord to carry a message to Lady Bertrade ? It is in reference to a promise I made her two years since and which I now, for the first time, be able to fulfill.""Certainly, my friend," replied Philip.The outlaw, dismounting, called upon one of his squires for parchment, and, by the light of a torch, wrote a message to Bertrade de Montfort.
Half an hour later, a servant in the castle of Battel handed the missive to the daughter of Leicester as she sat alone in her apartment.Opening it, she read:
To Lady Bertrade de Montfort, from her friend, Norman of Torn.
Two years have passed since you took the hand of the Outlaw of Torn in friendship, and now he comes to sue for another favor.
It is that he may have speech with you, alone, in the castle of Battel this night.