"In to the political prisoners? It is against the law."
"I have been allowed to go in several times. If there is any danger of my passing anything in to them I could do it through her just as well.'
"Oh, no; she would be searched," said the officer, and laughed in an unpleasant manner.
"Well, why not search me?"
"All right; we'll manage without that," said the officer, opening the decanter, and holding it out towards Nekhludoff's tumbler of tea. "May I? No? Well, just as you like. When you are living here in Siberia you are too glad to meet an educated person. Our work, as you know, is the saddest, and when one is used to better things it is very hard. The idea they have of us is that convoy officers are coarse, uneducated men, and no one seems to remember that we may have been born for a very different position."
This officer's red face, his scents, his rings, and especially his unpleasant laughter disgusted Nekhludoff very much, but to-day, as during the whole of his journey, he was in that serious, attentive state which did not allow him to behave slightingly or disdainfully towards any man, but made him feel the necessity of speaking to every one "entirely," as he expressed to himself, this relation to men. When he had heard the officer and understood his state of mind, he said in a serious manner:
"I think that in your position, too, some comfort could be found in helping the suffering people," he said.
"What are their sufferings? You don't know what these people are."
"They are not special people," said Nekhludoff; "they are just such people as others, and some of them are quite innocent."
"Of course, there are all sorts among them, and naturally one pities them. Others won't let anything off, but I try to lighten their condition where I can. It's better that I should suffer, but not they. Others keep to the law in every detail, even as far as to shoot, but I show pity. May I?--Take another," he said, and poured out another tumbler of tea for Nekhludoff.
"And who is she, this woman that you want to see?" he asked.
"It is an unfortunate woman who got into a brothel, and was there falsely accused of poisoning, and she is a very good woman,"
Nekhludoff answered.
The officer shook his head. "Yes, it does happen. I can tell you about a certain Ernma who lived in Kasan. She was a Hungarian by birth, but she had quite Persian eyes," he continued, unable to restrain a smile at the recollection; "there was so much chic about her that a countess--"
Nekhludoff interrupted the officer and returned to the former topic of conversation.
"I think that you could lighten the condition of the people while they are in your charge. And in acting that way I am sure you would find great joy!" said Nekhludoff, trying to pronounce as distinctly as possible, as he might if talking to a foreigner or a child.
The officer looked at Nekhludoff impatiently, waiting for him to stop so as to continue the tale about the Hungarian with Persian eyes, who evidently presented herself very vividly to his imagination and quite absorbed his attention.
"Yes, of course, this is all quite true," he said, "and I do pity them; but I should like to tell you about Emma. What do you think she did--?"
"It does not interest me," said Nekhludoff, "and I will tell you straight, that though I was myself very different at one time, I now hate that kind of relation to women."
The officer gave Nekhludoff a frightened look.
"Won't you take some more tea?" he said.
"No, thank you."
"Bernoff!" the officer called, "take the gentleman to Vakouloff.
Tell him to let him into the separate political room. He may remain there till the inspection."