"Carry him into the house!" cried Mr.Swift, as he came running to where Mr.Peterson was loosening Tom's collar.
"Git a doctor!" murmured Eradicate."Call someone on de tellifoam! Git fo' doctors!""We must get him into the house first," declared Mr.Damon, who, seeing that Tom was off the shed roof, had stopped mid-way to the powerhouse, and retraced his steps."Let's carry him into the house.Bless my pocketbook! but he must have been shocked worse than he thought."They lifted the inert form of our hero and walked toward the mansion with him, Mrs.Baggert, the housekeeper, standing in the doorway in dismay, uncertain what to do.
And while Tom is being cared for I will take just a moment to tell my new readers something more about him and his inventions, as they have been related in the previous books of this series.
The first volume was called "Tom Swift and His Motor-Cycle," and this machine was the means of his becoming acquainted with Mr.Wakefield Damon, the odd gentleman who so often blessed things.On his motor-cycle Tom had many adventures.
The lad was of an inventive mind, as was his father, and in the succeeding books of the series, which you will find named in detail elsewhere, I related how Tom got a motorboat, made an airship, and later a submarine, in all of which craft he had strenuous times and adventures.
His electric runabout was quite the fastest car on the road, and when he sent his wonderful wireless message he saved himself and others from Earthquake Island.He solved the secret of the diamond makers, and, though he lost a fine balloon in the caves of ice, he soon had another air craft--a regular sky-racer.His electric rifle saved a party from the red pygmies in Elephant Land, and in his air glider he found the platinum treasure.With his wizard camera, Tom took wonderful moving pictures, and in the volume immediately preceding this present one, called "TomSwift and His Great Searchlight," I had the pleasure of telling you how the lad captured the smugglers who were working against Uncle Sam over the border.
Tom, as you will see, had, with the help of his father, perfected many wonderful inventions.The lad lived with his aged parent, his mother being dead, in the village of Shopton, in New York State.
While the house, which was presided over by the motherly Mrs.Baggert, was large, it was almost lost now amid the many buildings surrounding it, from balloon and airship hangars, to shops where varied work was carried on.For Tom did most of his labor himself, of course with men to help him at the heavier tasks.Occasionally he had to call on outside shops.
In the household, beside his father, himself and Mrs.Baggert, was Eradicate Sampson, an aged colored man-of-all-work, who said he was called "Eradicate" because he eradicated dirt.There was also Koku, a veritable giant, one of two brothers whom Tom had brought with him from Giant Land, when he escaped from captivity there, as related in the book of that name.
Mr.Damon was, with Ned Newton, Tom's chum, the warmest friend of the family, and was often at Tom's home, coming from the neighboring town of Waterford, where he lived.
Tom had been back some time now from working for the government in detecting the smugglers, but, as you may well suppose, he had not been idle.Inventing a number of small things, including useful articles for the house, was a sort of recreation for him, but his mind was busy on one great scheme, which I will tell you about in due time.
Among other things he had just perfected a new style of magneto for one of his airships.The magneto, as you know, is a sort of small dynamo, that supplies the necessary spark to the cylinder, to explode the mixture of air and gasoline vapor.He was trying out this magneto in the Humming Bird when the accident I have related in the first chapter occurred.
"There! He's coming to!" exclaimed Mrs.Baggert, as she leaned over Tom, who was stretched out on the sofa in the library."Give him another smell of this ammonia," she went on, handing the bottle to Mr.Swift.
"No--no," faintly murmured Tom, opening his eyes."I--I've had enough of that, if you please! I'm all right.""Are you sure, Tom?" asked his father."Aren't you hurt anywhere?" "Not a bit, Dad! It was foolish of me to go off that way; but I couldn'tseem to help it.It all got black in front of me, and-- well, I just keeled over.""I should say you did," spoke Mr.Peterson.