Tom looked at Ned in dismay.After all their work and planning, to be thus thwarted, and by a mere technicality! As they stood there, hardly knowing what to do, the sound of a tremendous explosion came to their ears from behind the big pile of earth and concrete that formed the bomb- proof around the testing ground.
"What's that?" cried Ned, as the earth shook.
"Just trying some of the big guns," explained the sentry, who was not a bad-natured chap.He had to do his duty."You'd better move on," he suggested."If anything happens the government isn't responsible, you know.""I wish there was some way of getting in there," murmured Tom.
"You can see General Waller after the test, and he will probably countersign the permit," explained the sentry.
"And we won't see the test of the gun I'm most interested in," objected Tom."If I could only--"He stopped as he noticed the sentry salute someone coming up from the rear.Tom and Ned turned to behold a pleasant-faced officer, who, at the sight of the young inventor, exclaimed:
"Well, well! If it isn't my old friend Tom Swift! So you got here on my permit after all?""Yes, Captain Badger," replied the lad, and then with a rueful face he added: "But it doesn't seem to be doing me much good.I can't get into the proving grounds.""You can't? Why not?" and he looked sharply at the sentry.
"Very sorry, sir," spoke the man on guard, "but General Wailer has left orders, Captain Badger, that no outsiders can enter the proving grounds when his new gun is being tested unless he countersigns the permits.And he's engaged just now.I'm sorry, but--""Oh, that's all right, Flynn," said Captain Badger."It isn't your fault, of course.I suppose there is no rule against my going in there?" and hesmiled.
"Certainly not, sir.Any officer may go in," and the guard stepped to one side.
"Let me have that pass, Tom, and wait here for me," said the Captain."I'll see what I can do for you," and the young officer, whose acquaintance Tom had made at the tests when the government was purchasing some aeroplanes for the army, hurried off.
He came back presently, and by his face the lads knew he had been successful.
"It's all right," he said with a smile."General Waller countersigned the pass without even looking at it.He's so excited over the coming test of his gun that he hardly knows what he is doing.Come on in, boys.I'll go with you.""Then they haven't tested his gun yet?" Asked Tom, eagerly, anxious to know whether he had missed anything.
"No, they're going to do so in about half an hour.You'll have time to look around a bit.Come on," and showing the sentinel the counter-signed pass, Captain Badger led the two youths into the proving grounds.
Tom and Ned saw so much to interest them that they did not know at which to look first.In some places officers and firing squads were testing small-calibre machine guns, which shot off a round with a noise like a string of firecrackers on the Chinese New Year's.On other barbettes larger guns were being tested, the noise being almost deafening.
"Stand on your tiptoes, and open your mouth when you see a big cannon about to be fired," advised Captain Badger, as he walked alongside the boys.
"What good does that do?" inquired Ned.
"It makes your contact with the earth as small as possible-- standing on your toes," the officer explained, "and so reduces the tremor.Opening your mouth, in a measure, equalizes the changed air pressure, caused by the vacuum made when the powder explodes.In other words, you get the same sort of pressure down inside your throat, and in the tubes leading to the ear--the same pressure inside, as outside.
"Often the firing of big guns will burst the ear drums of the officersnear the cannon, and this may often be prevented by opening the mouth.It's just like going through a deep tunnel, or sometimes when an elevator descends quickly from a great height.There is too much outside air pressure on the ear drums.By opening your mouth and swallowing rapidly, the pressure is nearly equaled, and you feel no discomfort."The boys tried this when the next big gun was fired, and they found it true.They noticed quite a crowd of officers and men about a certain large barbette, and Captain Badger led them in that direction.
"Is that General Wailer's gun?" asked Tom.
"That's where they are going to test it," was the answer.
Eagerly Tom and Ned pressed forward.No one of the many officers and soldiers grouped about the new cannon seemed to notice them.A tall man, who seemed very nervous and excited, was hurrying here and there, giving orders rapidly.
"How is that range now?" he asked."Let me take a look! Are you sure the patrol vessels are far enough out? I think this projectile is going farther than any of you gentlemen have calculated.""I believe we have correctly estimated the distance," answered someone, and the two entered into a discussion.
"That excited officer is General Wailer," explained Captain Badger, in a low voice, to Tom and Ned.
"I guessed as much," replied the young inventor.Then he went closer to get a better look at the big cannon.
I say big cannon, and yet it was not the largest the government had.In fact, Tom estimated the calibre to be less than twelve inches, but the cannon was very long--much longer in proportion than guns of greater muzzle diameter.Then, too, the breech, or rear part, was very thick and heavy.