第7章 幸运的女孩(3)
15.cuisine n.菜系
16.banquet n.宴会
17.Naples Island 那不勒斯岛
Cultural Knowledge 文化知识
1.Gift Giving:In English speaking countries,the person who received the gifts will open each of them in front of all the guests and the people who give the gifts.It is a custom.
2.Harvard University—Harvard University in Cambridge,Massachusetts is a member of Ivy Green League.The other members of the Ivy Green League are Brown University in Providence,Rhode Island;Columbia University in New York City;Cornell University in Ithaca,New York;Dartmouth College in Ha-nover,New Hampshire;University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia;Princeton University in Princeton,New Jersey;and Yale University in New Haven,Connecticut.
3.Tenses of Flashback and narration interposed
倒叙和插叙的时态—插叙和倒叙有两种情况:第一种情况是主要叙述时态是现在时,倒叙和插叙部分用过去时。第二种情况是主要叙述时态是过去时,倒叙和插叙部分使用过去完成时。如果倒叙和插叙部分比较长,超过三个句子,甚至是一大段。有两种处理方式,一种是从头至尾全用过去完成时,罗琳的《哈利波特》系列都是这样写的。这种写法显得单调和凝重。第二种方式是插叙和倒叙部分,开头用过去完成时,两到三句后,回到一般过去时,在插叙和倒叙差两句就要结束时,再次使用过去完成时,提醒读者“插叙或者倒叙要结束了”。这种用法见于Nancy Kress南希·克雷斯的科幻小说。Nancy Kress南希·克雷斯三次获得世界科幻文学作品最高奖尼布拉奖-Nebula awards,获得雨果奖一次。关于插叙和倒叙中时态的用法详见附录A。
4.ACT-the American College Test.Now students can have ACT in China.Another college test is the Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT),which varies by school,to be considered for admission.The scholastic and personal behavior of the student is also assessed.Of course,the ACT or SAT test scores or both are evaluated by each college.ACT assesses high school students'general ability and their ability to complete college-level work.The multiple-choice tests cover four skill areas:English,mathematics,reading,and science.The writing test,which is optional,measures skill in planning and writing.
ACT-the American College Test 美国大学考试。现在学生可以在中国参加ACT考试。美国另外一个大学考试是SAT—the Scholastic Assessment Test 高中学业评测。不同的学校接受的考试不同。除了ACT 或者SAT成绩之外,学生在校学习方面的表现和个人品行也在评价范围之内。ACT 评估学生的普通能力和完成大学水平学习的能力。多项选择测试测试四项技术指标:英语、数学、阅读和科学。测试计划和写作技巧的写作考试是选择项目。
5.American Individualism:the American society is an individual one.Individualism is a theory maintaining the political and economic independence of the individual and stressing individual initiative,action,and interests.But this view does not deny that societies exist or that people benefit from living in asociety.Rather,it defines society as a collection of individuals,and states that society does not define the individual.
Individualists believe each person should strive for personal achievements and develop-ment can be accomplished by an individual.They do not deny the fact that one person can build on the achievements of others.Individuals show that achievement can go beyond what has already been done,accomplished or developed.Groups can only advance themselves through the achievements of the individuals in those groups.
6.Anna laughed loudly:Americans rarely control their feeling esp.laugh.Whenever an American laugh loudly before you or in public,mostly they do not mean to laugh at somebody and have you be embarrassed.They only express their feelings naturally.
7.What Americans do not eat and do not like?They do not eat innards of animals and poultry,dog meat,snakes,turtles,fresh water fish,insects,water melon seeds and sunflower seeds.
Americans do not like eel and crabs which has not much meat to eat.They like steak with much meat on.
8.Naples Island of California State:It is one of the most famous attractions near Long Beach.