'Ay,go if you like,'the woman answered doggedly,reading the meaning of her look.'There cannot be a greater villain than the one we know of.But once started,heaven help us,for if he overtakes us we'll pay dearly for it!'
The girl did not speak herself,but it was enough.The noise at the door increased each second,and began to be mingled with angry appeals to Fanchette to open,and with threats in case she delayed.I cut the matter short by snatching up one of the saddle-bags--the other we left behind--and flung back the curtain which covered the window.At the same time the woman dashed out the light--a timely precaution--and throwing open the casement Istepped on to the balcony,the others following me closely.
The moon had risen high,and flooding with light the small open space about the house enabled me to see clearly all round the foot of the ladder,to my surprise Fresnoy was not at his post,nor was he to be seen anywhere;but as,at the moment I observed this,an outcry away to my left,at the rear of the chateau,came to my ears,and announced that the danger was no longer confined to the interior of the house,I concluded that he had gone that way to intercept the attack.Without more,therefore,I began to descend as quickly as I could,my sword under one arm and the bag under the other.
I was half-way down,and mademoiselle was already stepping on to the ladder to follow,when I heard footsteps below,and saw him run up,his sword in his hand.
'Quick,Fresnoy!'I cried.'To the horses and unfasten them!quick!'
I slid down the rest of the way,thinking he had gone to do my bidding.But my feet were scarcely on the ground when a tremendous blow in the side sent me staggering three paces from the ladder.The attack was so sudden,so unexpected,that but for the sight of Fresnoy's scowling face,wild with rage,at my shoulder,and the sound of his fierce breathing as he strove to release his sword,which had passed through my saddle-bag,Imight never have known who struck the blow,or how narrow had been my escape.
Fortunately the knowledge did come to me in time,and before he freed his blade;and it nerved my hand.To draw my-blade at such close quarters was impossible,but,dropping the bag which had saved my life,I dashed my hilt twice in his face with such violence that he fell backwards and lay on the turf,a dark stain growing and spreading on his upturned face.
It was scarcely done before the women reached the foot of the ladder and stood beside me.'Quick!'I cried to them,'or they will be upon us.'Seizing mademoiselle's hand,just as half-a-dozen men came running round the corner of the house,I jumped with her down the haha,and,urging her to her utmost speed,dashed across the open ground which lay between us and the belt of trees.Once in the shelter of the latter,where our movements were hidden from view,I had still to free the horses and mount mademoiselle and her woman,and this in haste.But my companions'admirable coolness and presence of mind,and the objection which our pursuers,who did not know our numbers,felt to leaving the open ground,enabled us to do all with,comparative ease.I sprang on the Cid (it has always been my habit to teach my horse to stand for me,nor do I know any accomplishment more serviceable at a pinch),and giving Fresnoy's grey a cut over the flanks which despatched it ahead,led the way down the ride by which I had gained the chateau in the afternoon.
I knew it to be level and clear of trees,and the fact that we chose it might throw our pursuers off the track for a time,by leading them to think we had taken the south road instead of that through the village.