第147章 NOTES(9)
[297]--Firishtah (Scott,i.252)states that Rama Raya "married a daughter of the son of Seoroy,by that alliance greatly adding to his influence and power."If so,"Seoroy"must be the first Narasa The historian says that "Seoroy dying was succeeded by his son,a minor,who did not live long after him,and left the throne to a younger brother."These brothers,then,were the second Narasa,called also Vira Narasimha,and Krishna Deva.The rest of Firishtah's account does not tally with our other sources of information.As being son-in-law of Krishna Deva,Rama was called "Aliya,"which means "son-in-law,"and by this name he is constantly known.
[300]--See the pedigree above.The young son would be Venkata,and the uncle,Ranga.
[301]--Who all these were we do not know.The boy Venkata's uncles would be either brothers of Ranga or brothers of the queen-mother,widow of Achyuta.Achyuta's nephew referred to could not be Sadasiva,because he survived.He may have been nephew of the Rani.The assassination of the boy-king recalls to our minds the story of Firishtah of the murder of the infant prince by "Hoje"Tirumala.
[302]--Sister,that is,of Krishna Deva.As above stated,Rama Raya,for undoubtedly he is here referred to,married Krishna Deva's daughter,not sister,so far as we can gather.
[303]--Caesar Frederick states that Rama and his two brothers,of whom Tirumala was minister and Venkatadri commander-in-chief,kept the rightful kings prisoners for thirty years prior to their downfall in 1565.If so,this would include the reign of Achyuta,and the story would differ from that of Nuniz,who represents King Achyuta as free but subject to the malign influence of his "two brothers-in-law."These two may,perhaps,represent Rama and Tirumala,who are said to have married two daughters of Krishna Deva.They would,however,not have been really brothers-in-law of Achyuta.
[304]--Senhor Lopes,DOS REIS DE BISNAGA,Introduction,p.lxix.
[305]--Firishtah (Scott,i.271).
[306]--So Firishtah.The Muhammadan historian of the Qutb Shahi dynasty of Golkonda,translated by Briggs,tells this story of Quli Qutb Shah,Jamshid's predecessor (Firishtah,Briggs,iii.371).
[307]--The terms of this treaty are interesting,as they throw much light on the political and commercial relations of the Portuguese at this period with the two great states their neighbours.
The contracting parties are stated to be the king of Portugal by his deputy,the captain-general and governor of Goa,Dom Joao de Castro,and the great and powerful King Sadasiva,king of Bisnaga.
(A)Each party to be friends of the friends,and enemy of the enemies,of the other;and,when called on,to help the other with all their forces against all kings and lords in India,the Nizam Shah always excepted.
(B)The governor of Goa will allow all Arab and Persian horses landed at Goa to be purchased by the king of Vijayanagar on due notice and proper payment,none being permitted to be sent to Bijapur.
(C)The king of Vijayanagar will compel all merchants in his kingdom trading with the coast to send their goods through ports where the Portuguese have factors,permitting none to proceed to Bijapur ports.
(D)The king of Vijayanagar will forbid the importation of saltpetre and iron into his kingdom from any Bijapur port;and will compel its purchase from Portuguese factors.
(E)The same with cloths,copper,tin,China silk,&c.
(F)The king of Vijayanagar will allow no Moorish ship or fleet to stop in his ports,and if any should come he will capture them and send them to Goa.Both parties agree,to wage war on the Adil Shah,and all territory taken from the latter shall belong to Vijayanagar,except lands on the west of the Ghats from Banda on the north to Cintacora on the south,which lands shall belong to the king of Portugal.
[308]--Muharram,A.H.956.But the Portuguese records state that Asada Khan died in 1545(Danvers,i.465).
[309]--Danvers'"Portuguese in India,"i.465,466.
[313]--Senhor Lopes has recently found amongst the archives in the Torre do Tombo in Lisbon a paper,dated 1555A.D.,which states that the king of Vijayanagar had consented to aid Ibrahim Adil Shah against Ain-ul-Mulkh and "the Meale"(I.E.Prince Abdullah,called "Meale Khan"by the Portuguese),in return for a present of 700,000pardaos (CORPO CHRONOLOGICO,Part i.,packet 97,No.40).
[314]--Scott's edit.,i.284.
[315]--The Muhammadans seem to have always treated Rama Rajah as king.Sadasiva was perhaps too young at that period to have had a son,and the allusion is probably to a son of Rama.
[316]--King Sadasiva was apparently not strewn.
[317]--That Ali Adil actually made this visit is confirmed by the narrative of a Golkonda historian,whose work has been translated and published by Briggs (Firishtah,iii.402).The story may be compared with that told above of the visit of Firuz Shah Bahmani to King Deva Raya in A.D.1406,which had a similar ending.
[318]--Dec.VII.l.vii.c 1.
[319]--See also Briggs'"Firistah,"iii.403--405.