第116章 XIV.
Ballad Continued.
'Tis merry, 'tis merry, in good greenwood, Though the birds have stilled their singing;The evening blaze cloth Alice raise, And Richard is fagots bringing.
Up Urgan starts, that hideous dwarf, Before Lord Richard stands, And, as he crossed and blessed himself, 'I fear not sign,' quoth the grisly elf, 'That is made with bloody hands.'
But out then spoke she, Alice Brand, That woman void of fear,--'And if there 's blood upon his hand, 'Tis but the blood of deer.'
'Now loud thou liest, thou bold of mood!
It cleaves unto his hand, The stain of shine own kindly blood, The blood of Ethert Brand.'
Then forward stepped she, Alice Brand, And made the holy sign,--'And if there's blood on Richard's hand, A spotless hand is mine.
'And I conjure thee, demon elf, By Him whom demons fear, To show us whence thou art thyself, And what shine errand here? '