第105章 III.
Together up the pass they sped:
'What of the foeman?' Norman said.--
'Varying reports from near and far;
This certain,--that a band of war Has for two days been ready boune, At prompt command to march from Doune;King James the while, with princely powers, Holds revelry in Stirling towers.
Soon will this dark and gathering cloud Speak on our glens in thunder loud.
Inured to bide such bitter bout, The warrior's plaid may bear it out;But, Norman, how wilt thou provide A shelter for thy bonny bride? ''--'What! know ye not that Roderick's care To the lone isle hath caused repair Each maid and matron of the clan, And every child and aged man Unfit for arms; and given his charge, Nor skiff nor shallop, boat nor barge, Upon these lakes shall float at large, But all beside the islet moor, That such dear pledge may rest secure?'--