第89章 Purgatorio: Canto XXXI(2)
With less resistance is a robust holm Uprooted, either by a native wind Or else by that from regions of Iarbas, Than I upraised at her command my chin;
And when she by the beard the face demanded, Well I perceived the venom of her meaning.
And as my countenance was lifted up, Mine eye perceived those creatures beautiful Had rested from the strewing of the flowers;
And, still but little reassured, mine eyes Saw Beatrice turned round towards the monster, That is one person only in two natures.
Beneath her veil, beyond the margent green, She seemed to me far more her ancient self To excel, than others here, when she was here.
So pricked me then the thorn of penitence, That of all other things the one which turned me Most to its love became the most my foe.
Such self-conviction stung me at the heart O'erpowered I fell, and what I then became She knoweth who had furnished me the cause.
Then, when the heart restored my outward sense, The lady I had found alone, above me I saw, and she was saying, "Hold me, hold me."
Up to my throat she in the stream had drawn me, And, dragging me behind her, she was moving Upon the water lightly as a shuttle.
When I was near unto the blessed shore, "Asperges me," I heard so sweetly sung, Remember it I cannot, much less write it.
The beautiful lady opened wide her arms, Embraced my head, and plunged me underneath, Where I was forced to swallow of the water.
Then forth she drew me, and all dripping brought Into the dance of the four beautiful, And each one with her arm did cover me.
'We here are Nymphs, and in the Heaven are stars;
Ere Beatrice descended to the world, We as her handmaids were appointed her.
We'll lead thee to her eyes; but for the pleasant Light that within them is, shall sharpen thine The three beyond, who more profoundly look.'
Thus singing they began; and afterwards Unto the Griffin's breast they led me with them, Where Beatrice was standing, turned towards us.
"See that thou dost not spare thine eyes," they said;
"Before the emeralds have we stationed thee, Whence Love aforetime drew for thee his weapons."
A thousand longings, hotter than the flame, Fastened mine eyes upon those eyes relucent, That still upon the Griffin steadfast stayed.
As in a glass the sun, not otherwise Within them was the twofold monster shining, Now with the one, now with the other nature.
Think, Reader, if within myself I marvelled, When I beheld the thing itself stand still, And in its image it transformed itself.
While with amazement filled and jubilant, My soul was tasting of the food, that while It satisfies us makes us hunger for it, Themselves revealing of the highest rank In bearing, did the other three advance, Singing to their angelic saraband.
"Turn, Beatrice, O turn thy holy eyes,"
Such was their song, "unto thy faithful one, Who has to see thee ta'en so many steps.
In grace do us the grace that thou unveil Thy face to him, so that he may discern The second beauty which thou dost conceal."
O splendour of the living light eternal!
Who underneath the shadow of Parnassus Has grown so pale, or drunk so at its cistern, He would not seem to have his mind encumbered Striving to paint thee as thou didst appear, Where the harmonious heaven o'ershadowed thee, When in the open air thou didst unveil?