第23章 SCENE II.--Julia's Chamber(2)
Most certainly he loved you--so did I;
Ay! well as I had been myself your father!
[His hand is resting upon his knee, JULIA attempts to take it--he withdraws it--looks at her--she hangs her head.]
Well; you may take my hand! I need not say How fast you grew in knowledge, and in goodness, -That hope could scarce enjoy its golden dreams So soon fulfilment realised them all!
Enough. You came to womanhood. Your heart, Pure as the leaf of the consummate bud, That's new unfolded by the smiling sun, And ne'er knew blight nor canker!
[JULIA attempts to place her other hand on his shoulder--he leans from her--looks at her--she hangs her head again.]
Put it there!
Where left I off? I know! When a good woman Is fitly mated, she grows doubly good, How good soe'er before! I found the man I thought a match for thee; and, soon as found, Proposed him to thee. 'Twas your father's will, Occasion offering, you should be married Soon as you reached to womanhood.--You liked My choice, accepted him.--We came to town;Where, by important matter summoned thence, I left you an affianced bride!
Julia. You did!
You did! [Leans her head upon her hand and weeps.]
Wal. Nay, check thy tears! Let judgment now, Not passion, be awake. On my return, I found thee--what? I'll not describe the thing I found thee then! I'll not describe my pangs To see thee such a thing! The engineer Who lays the last stone of his sea-built tower, It cost him years and years of toil to raise -And, smiling at it, tells the winds and waves To roar and whistle now--but, in a night, Beholds the tempest sporting in its place -May look aghast, as I did!
Julia. [Falling on her knees.] Pardon me!
Forgive me! pity me!
Wal. Resume thy seat. [Raises her.]
I pity thee; perhaps not thee alone It fits to sue for pardon.
Julia. Me alone!
None other!
Wal. But to vindicate myself, I name thy lover's stern desertion of thee.
What wast thou then with wounded pride? A thing To leap into a torrent! throw itself From a precipice! rush into a fire! I saw Thy madness--knew to thwart it were to chafe it -And humoured it to take that course, I thought, Adopted, least 'twould rue!
Julia. 'Twas wisely done.
Wal. At least 'twas for the best.
Julia. To blame thee for it Was adding shame to shame! But Master Walter, These nuptials!--must they needs go on?
Servant. [Entering.] More guests Arrive.
Wal. Attend to them. [Servant goes out.]
Julia. Dear Master Walter!
Is there no way to escape these nuptials?
Wal. Know'st not What with these nuptials comes? Hast thou forgot?
Julia. What?
Wal. Nothing!--I did tell thee of a thing.
Julia. What was it?
Wal. To forget it was a fault!
Look back and think.
Julia. I can't remember it.
Wal. Fathers, make straws your children! Nature's nothing, Blood nothing! Once in other veins it runs, It no more yearneth for the parent flood, Than doth the stream that from the source disparts.
Talk not of love instinctive--what you call so Is but the brat of custom! Your own flesh By habit cleaves to you--without, Hath no adhesion. [Aside.] So; you have forgot You have a father, and are here to meet him!
Julia. I'll not deny it.
Wal. You should blush for't.
Julia. No!
No! no: hear, Master Walter! what's a father That you've not been to me? Nay, turn not from me, For at the name a holy awe I own, That now almost inclines my knee to earth!
But thou to me, except a father's name, Hast all the father been: the care--the love -The guidance--the protection of a father.
Canst wonder, then, if like thy child I feel, -And feeling so, that father's claim forget Whom ne'er I knew save by the name of one?
Oh, turn to me, and do not chide me! or If thou wilt chide, chide on! but turn to me!
Wal. [Struggling with emotion.] My Julia!
[Embraces her.]
Julia. Now, dear Master Walter, hear me!
Is there no way to 'scape these nuptials?
Wal. Julia, A promise made admits not of release, Save by consent or forfeiture of those Who hold it--so it should be pondered well Before we let it go. Ere man should say I broke the word I had the power to keep, I'd lose the life I had the power to part with!
Remember, Julia, thou and I to-day Must, to thy father, of thy training render A strict account. While honour's left to us, We have something--nothing, having all but that.
Now for thy last act of obedience, Julia!
Present thyself before thy bridegroom! [She assents.] Good!
My Julia's now herself! Show him thy heart, And to his honour leave't to set thee free Or hold thee bound. Thy father will be by!