"Of what are you thinking, little fool?" asked the Marquise peevishly, her fat face puckered into a hundred wrinkles of ill-humour.
"Of nothing in particular, Madame,"the girl answered patiently.
The Marquise sniffed contemptuously, and glanced through the window of the coach upon the dreary, rain sodden landscape.
"Do you call the sometime secretary Citizen-cutthroat La Boulaye, nothing in particular?" she asked. "Ma foi! I wonder that you do not die of self-contempt after what passed between you at Boisvert."
"Madame, I was not thinking of him," said Suzanne.
"More shame to you, then," was the sour retort, for the Marquise was bent upon disagreeing with her. "Have you a conscience, Suzanne, that you could have played such a Delilah part and never give a thought to the man you have tricked?"
"You will make me regret that I told you of it," said the girl quietly.
"You are ready enough to regret anything but the act itself. Perhaps you'll be regretting that you did not take a berline at Soignies, as you promised the citizen-scoundrel that you would, and set out to join him?"
"It is hardly generous to taunt me so, Madame, I do very bitterly regret what has taken place. But you might do me the justice to remember that what I did I did as much for others as for myself.
As much, indeed, for you as for myself."
"For me?" echoed the Marquise shrilly. "Tiens, that is droll now!
For me? Was it for me that you made love to the citizen-blackguard?
Are you so dead to shame that you dare remind me of it?"
Mademoiselle sighed, and seemed to shrink back into the shadows of the carriage. Her face was very pale, and her eyes looked sorely troubled.
"It is something that to my dying day I shall regret,"she murmured.
"It was vile, it was unworthy! Yet if I had not used the only weapon to my hand - " She ceased, the Marquise caught the sound of a sob.
"What are you weeping for, little fool?" she cried.
"As much as anything for what he must think of me when he realises how shamefully I have used him."
"And does it matter what the canaille thinks? Shall it matter what the citizen-assassin thinks?"
"A little, Madame," she sighed. "He will despise me as I deserve.
I almost wish that I could undo it, and go back to that little room at Boisvert. the prisoner of that fearful man, Tardivet, or else that - " Again she paused, and the Marquise turned towards her with a gasp.
"Or else that what?" she demanded. "Ma foi, it only remains that you should wish you had kept your promise to this scum."
"I almost wish it, Madame. I pledged my word to him."
"You talk as if you were a man," said her mother; "as if your word was a thing that bound you. It is a woman's prerogative to change her mind. As for this Republican scum - "
"You shall not call him that," was the rejoinder, sharply delivered; for Suzanne was roused at last. "He is twenty times more noble and brave than any gentleman, that I have ever met. We owe our liberty to him at this moment, and sufficiently have I wronged him by my actions - "
"Fool, what are you saying?" cried the enraged Marquise. "He, more noble and brave than any gentleman that you ever met? He - this kennel-bred citizen-ruffian of a revolutionist? Are you mad, girl, or - " The Marquise paused a moment and took a deep breath that was as a gasp of sudden understanding. "Is it that you are in love with this wretch!"
"Madame!" The exclamation was laden with blended wonder, dignity, and horror.
"Well?" demanded Madame de Bellecour severely. "Answer me, Suzanne.
Are you in love with this La Boulaye?"
"Is there the need to answer?" quoth the girl scornfully. "Surely you forget that I am Mademoiselle de Bellecour, daughter of the Marquise de Bellecour, and that this man is of the canaille, else you had never asked the question."
With an expression of satisfaction the Marquise was sinking back in the carriage, when of a sudden she sat bolt upright.
"Someone is riding very desperately," she cried, a note of alarm ringing in her voice.
Above the thud of the coach-horses' hoofs and the rumble of their vehicle sounded now the clatter of someone galloping madly in their wake. Mademoiselle looked from the window into the gathering dusk.
"It will be some courier, Madame," she answered calmly. "None other would ride at such a pace."
"I shall know no rest until we are safely in a Christian country again," the Marquise complained.
The hoof-beats grew nearer, and the dark figure of a horseman dashed suddenly past the window. Simultaneously, a loud, harsh command to halt rang out upon the evening air.
The Marquise clutched at her daughter's arm with one hand, whilst with the other she crossed herself, as though their assailant were some emissary of the powers of evil.
"Mother in Heaven, deliver us!" she gasped, turning suddenly devout.
"Mon Dieu!" cried Mademoiselle, who had recognised the voice that was now haranguing the men on the box - their driver and the ostler of the 'Eagle Inn.' "It is La Boulaye himself."
"La Boulaye?"echoed the Marquise. Then, in a frenzy of terror:
"There are the pistols there, Suzanne," she cried. "You can shoot.
Kill him! Kill him!"
The girl's lips came tightly together until her mouth seemed no more than a straight line. Her cheeks grew white as death, but her eyes were brave and resolute. She put forth her hand and seized one of the pistols as the carriage with a final jolt came to a standstill.