PLAN OF OPERATION.--All those applying for assistance will be placed in what is termed the first class.They must be willing to do any kind of work allotted to them.While they remain in the first class,they shall be entitled to three meals a day,and shelter for the night,and will be expected in return to cheerfully perform the work allotted to them.
Promotions will be made from this first-class to the second-class of all those considered eligible by the Labour Directors.They will,in addition to the food and shelter above mentioned,receive sums of money up to 5s.at the end of the week,for the purpose of assisting them to provide themselves with tools,to get work outside.
REGULATIONS.--No smoking,drinking,bad language,or conduct calculated to demoralize will be permitted on the factory premises.
No one under the influence of drink will be admitted.Any one refusing to work,or guilty of bad conduct,will be required to leave the premises.
HOURS OF WORK.--7a.m.to 8.30a.m.;9a.m.to 1p.m.;2p.m.to 5.30p.m,Doors will be closed 5minutes after 7,9,and 2p.m.Food Checks will be given to all as they pass out at each meal time.Meals and Shelter provided at 272,Whitechapel Road.
Our practical experience shows that we can provide work by which a man can earn his rations.We shall be careful not to sell the goods so manufactured at less than the market prices.In firewood,for instance,we have endeavoured to be rather above the average than below it.
As stated elsewhere,we are firmly opposed to injuring one class of workmen while helping another.
Attempts on somewhat similar lines to those now being described have hitherto excited the liveliest feelings of jealousy on the part of the Trade Unions,and representatives of labour.They rightly consider it unfair that labour partly paid for out of the Rates and Taxes,or by Charitable Contributions,should be put upon the market at less than market value,and so compete unjustly with the production of those who have in the first instance to furnish an important quota of the funds by which these Criminal or Pauper workers are supported.No such jealousy can justly exist in relation to our Scheme,seeing that we are endeavouring to raise the standard of labour and are pledged to a war to the death against sweating in every shape and form.
But,it will be asked,how do these Out-of-Works conduct themselves when you get them into the Factory?Upon this point I have a very satisfactory report to render.Many,no doubt,are below par,under-fed,and suffering from ill health,or the consequence of their intemperance.Many also are old men,who have been crowded out of the labour market by their younger generation.But,without making too many allowances on these grounds,I may fairly say that these men have shown themselves not only anxious and willing,but able to work.
Our Factory Superintendent reports:-
Of loss or time there has practically been none since the opening,June 29th.Each man during his stay,with hardly an exception,has presented himself punctually at opening time and worked more or less assiduously the whole of the labour hours.The morals of the men have been good,in not more than three instances has there been an overt act of disobedience,insubordination,or mischief.The men,as a whole,are uniformly civil,willing,and satisfied;they are all fairly industrious,some,and that not a few,are assiduous and energetic.
The Foremen have had no serious complaints to make or delinquencies to report.
On the 15th of August I had a return made of the names and trades and mode of employment of the men at work.Of the forty in the shops at that moment,eight were carpenters,twelve labourers,two tailors,two sailors,three clerks,two engineers,while among the rest was a shoemaker,two grocers,a cooper,a sailmaker,a musician,a painter,and a stonemason.Nineteen of these were employed in sawing,cutting and tying up firewood,six were making mats,seven making sacks,and the rest were employed in various odd jobs.Among them was a Russian carpenter who could not speak a word of English.The whole place is a hive of industry which fills the hearts of those who go to see it with hope that something is about to be done to solve the difficulty of the unemployed.
Although our Factories will be permanent institutions they will not be anything more than temporary resting-places to those who avail themselves of their advantages.They are harbours of refuge into which the storm-tossed workman may run and re-fit,so that he may again push out to the ordinary sea of labour and earn his living.
The establishment of these Industrial Factories seems to be one of the most obvious duties of those who would effectually deal with the Social Problem.They are as indispensable a link in the chain of deliverance as the Shelters,but they are only a link and not a stopping-place.
And we do not propose that they should be regarded as anything but stepping-stones to better things.
These Shops will also be of service for men and women temporarily unemployed who have families,and who possess some sort of a home.
In numerous instances,if by any means these unfortunates could find bread and rent for a few weeks,they would tide over their difficulties,and an untold amount of misery would be averted,In such cases Work would be supplied at their own homes where preferred,especially for the women and children,and such remuneration would be aimed at as would supply the immediate necessities of the hour.
To those who have rent to pay and families to support something beyond rations would be indispensable.
The Labour Shops will enable us to work out our Anti-Sweating experiments.For instance,we propose at once to commence manufacturing match boxes,for which we shall aim at giving nearly treble the amount at present paid to the poor starving creatures engaged in this work.