This was before the great Strike.The Government of Victoria practically threw upon our officers the task of dealing with the unemployed.The subject was debated in the House of Assembly,and at the close of the debate a subscription was taken up by one of those who had been our most strenuous opponents,and a sum of #400was handed over to our officers to dispense in keeping the starving from perishing.Our people have found situations for no fewer than 1,776persons,and are dispensing meals at the rate of 700a day.
The Government of Victoria has long been taking the lead in recognising the secular uses of the Salvation Army.The following letter addressed by the Minister of the Interior to the Officer charged with the oversight of this part of our operations,indicates the estimation in which we are held:--Government of Victoria,Chief Secretary's Office,Melbourne.
July 4th,1889.
Superintendent Salvation Army Rescue Work.
Sir,--in compliance with your request for a letter of introduction which may be of use to you in England,I have much pleasure in stating from reports furnished by Officers of my Department,I am convinced that the work you have been engaged on during the past six years has been of material advantage to the community.You have rescued from crime some who,but for the counsel and assistance rendered them,might have been a permanent tax upon the State,and you have restrained from further criminal courses others who had already suffered legal punishment for their misdeeds.It has given me pleasure to obtain from the Executive Council authority for you to apprehend children found in Brothels,and to take charge of such children after formal committal.
Of the great value of this branch of your work there can be no question.It is evident that the attendance of yourself and your Officers at the police-courts and lock-ups has been attended with beneficial results,and your invitation to our largest jails has been highly approved by the head of the Department.Generally speaking,I may say that your policy and procedure have been commended by the Chief Officers of the Government of this Colony,who have observed your work.
I have the honour to be,Sir,Your obedient Servant,(Signed)ALFRED DEAKIN.
The Victorian Parliament has voted an annual grant to our funds,not as a religious endowment,but in recognition of the service which we render in the reclamation of criminals,and what may be called,if I may use a word which has been so depraved by Continental abuse,the moral police of the city.Our Officer in Melbourne has an official position which opens to him almost every State institution and all the haunts of vice where it may be necessary for him to make his way in the search for girls that have been decoyed from home or who have fallen into evil courses.
It is in Victoria also that a system prevails of handing over first offenders to the care of the Salvation Army Officers,placing them in recognizance to come up when called for.An Officer of the Army attends at every Police Court,and the Prison Brigade is always on guard at the gaol doors when the prisoners are discharged.
Our Officers also have free access to the prisons,where they can conduct services and labour with the inmates for their Salvation.
As Victoria is probably the most democratic of our colonies,and the one in which the working-class has supreme control,the extent to which it has by its government recognised the value of our operations is sufficient to indicate that we have nothing to fear from the opposition of the democracy.In the neighbouring colony of New South Wales a lady has already given us a farm of three hundred acres fully stocked,on which to begin operations with a Farm Colony,and there seems some prospect that the Scheme will get itself into active shape at the other end of the world before it is set agoing in London.The eager welcome which has thus forced the initiative upon our Officers in Melbourne tends to encourage the expectation that the Scheme will be regarded as no quack application,but will be generally taken up and quickly set in operation all round the world.