第75章 XXXI(1)
IVORY BOYNTON drove home from the woods that same afternoon by way of the bridge, in order to buy some provisions at the brick store. When he was still a long distance from the bars that divided the lane from the highroad, he espied a dark-clad little speck he knew to be Rodman leaning over the fence, waiting and longing as usual for his home-coming, and his heart warmed at the thought of the boyish welcome that never failed.
The sleigh slipped quickly over the hard-packed, shining road, and the bells rang merrily in the clear, cold air, giving out a joyous sound that had no echo in Ivory's breast that day. He had just had a vision of happiness through another man's eyes. was he always to stand out-side the banqueting-table, he wondered, and see others feasting while he hungered Now the little speck bounded from the fence, flew down the road to meet the sleigh, and jumped in by the driver's side.
"I knew you'd come to-night," Rodman cried eagerly. "I told Aunt Boynton you'd come."
"How is she, well as common?"
"No, not a bit well since yesterday morning, but Mrs. Mason says it's nothing worse than a cold. Mrs. Mason has just gone home, and we've had a grand house-cleaning to-day. She's washed and ironed and baked, and we've put Aunt Boynton in clean sheets and pillow-cases, and her room's nice and warm, and I carried the eat in and put it on her bed to keep her company while I came to watch for you. Aunt Boynton let Mrs. Mason braid her hair, and seemed to like her brushing it. It's been dreadful lonesome, and oh! I am glad you came back, Ivory. Did you find any more spruce gum where you went this time?"
"Pounds and pounds, Rod; enough to bring me in nearly a hundred dollars. I chanced on the greatest place I've found yet. I f ollowed the wake of an old whirlwind that had left long furrows in the forest,--I've told you how the thing works,--and I tracked its course by the gum that had formed wherever the trees were wounded. It's hard, lonely work, Rod, but it pays well."
"If I could have been there, maybe we could have got more. I'm good at shinning up trees."
"Yes, sometime we'11 go gum-picking together. We'll climb the trees like a couple of cats, and take our knives and serape off the precious lumps that are worth so much money to the druggists.
You've let down the bars, I see."
"'Cause I knew you'd come to-night," said Rodman. "I felt it in my bones. We're going to have a splendid supper."
"Are we? That's good news." Ivory tried to make his tone bright and interested, though his heart was like a lump of lead in his breast. "It's the least I can do for the poor little chap," he thought, "when he stays as caretaker in this lonely spot.--I w onder if I hadn't better drive into the barn, Rod, and leave the harness on Nick till I go in and see mother? Guess I will."
"She's hot, Aunt Boynton is, hot and restless, but Mrs. Mason thinks that's all."
Ivory found his mother feverish, and her eyes were unnaturally bright; but she was clear in X mind and cheerful, too, sitting up in bed to r^ breathe the better, while the Maltese eat snuggled under her arm and purred peacefully "The cat is Rod's idea," she said smilingly but in a very weak voice. "He is a great nurse I should never have thought of the eat myself but she gives me more comfort than all the medicine."
Ivory and Rodman drew up to the supper table, already set in the kitchen, but before Ivory took his seat he softly closed the door that led into the living-room. They ate their beans and brown bread and the mince pie that had been the "splendid" feature of the meal, as reported by the boy; and when they had finished, and Rodman was clearing the table, Ivory walked to the window, lighting his pipe the while, and stood soberly looking out on the snowy landscape. One could scarcely tell it was twilight, with such sweeps of whiteness to catch every gleam of the dying day.
"Drop work a minute and come here, Rod," he said at length. "Can you keep a secret?"
"'Course I can! I'm chock full of 'em now, and nobody could dig one of 'em out o' me with a pickaxe!"
"Oh, well! If you're full you naturally couldn't hold another!"
"I could try to squeeze it in, if it's a nice one," coaxed the boy.
"I don't know whether you'11 think it's a nice one, Rod, for it breaks up one of your plans. I'm not sure myself how nice it is, but it's a very big, unexpected, startling one. What do you think? Your favorite Patty has gone and got married."
"Patty! Married!" cried Rod, then hastily putting his hand over his mouth to hush his too-loud speaking.
"Yes, she and Mark Wilson ran away last Monday, drove over to Allentown, New Hampshire, and were married without telling a soul. Deacon Baxter discovered everything this afternoon, like the old fox that he is, and turned Patty out of the house."
"Mean old skinflint!" exclaimed Rod excitedly, all the incipient manhood rising in his ten-year-old breast. "Is she gone to live with the Wilsons?"
"The Wilsons don't know yet that Mark is married to her, but I m et him driving like Jehu, just after I had left Patty, and told him everything that had happened, and did my best to cool him down and keep him from murdering his new father-in-law by showing him it would serve no real purpose now."
"Did he look married, and all different?" asked Rod curiously.