LONDON,August 21,O.S.1747.
DEAR BOY:I reckon that this letter has but a bare chance of finding you at Lausanne;but I was resolved to risk it,as it is the last that Ishall write to you till you are settled at Leipsig.I sent you by the last post,under cover to Mr.Harte,a letter of recommendation to one of the first people at Munich;which you will take care to present to him in the politest manner;he will certainly have you presented to the electoral family;and I hope you will go through that ceremony with great respect,good breeding,and ease.As this is the first court that ever you will have been at,take care to inform yourself if there be any particular,customs or forms to be observed,that you may not commit any mistake.At Vienna men always make courtesies,instead of bows,to the emperor;in France nobody bows at all to the king,nor kisses his hand;but in Spain and England,bows are made,and hands are kissed.Thus every court has some peculiarity or other,of which those who go to them ought previously to inform themselves,to avoid blunders and awkwardnesses.
I have not time to say any more now,than to wish you good journey to Leipsig;and great attention,both there and in going there.Adieu.