第180章 24th December,1839(2)
I have a humble hope however that they will be permitted to do some.If the eyes of only a few of these unhappy people amongst whom I am still sojourning be through them opened to one of the damning errors of popery,I shall esteem myself amply remunerated for all the pain,the anxiety,and I may almost say misery (for the flesh is weak)which I have experienced in the work,even for that -to me,the most heart-breaking of everything -the strange,the disadvantageous light in which,I am aware,I must frequently have appeared to those I most respect and love.My situation throughout has been a most peculiar one,rocks and quicksands have surrounded me on every side,and frequently I have been compelled to give offence to my friends in order not to afford a triumph to the enemies of God and His cause.
In your last kind communication,I think,you said that neither our excellent friend Mr.B.[Brackenbury]nor myself appeared properly to appreciate the worth of two other of our friends who had been labouring in Spain.Permit me here to observe that we both appreciate their sterling worth of character and piety;they are both very extraordinary individuals,one particularly so,and the zeal which both have displayed in a holy cause is quite above praise.But it is necessary in order to accomplish much good in a country situated as this is at present,that the greatest prudence and foresight go hand in hand with zeal and piety.A corrupt Government,influenced by an atrocious priesthood,has for the last three years been on the look-out to take advantage of every rash movement of the helpers in God's cause in Spain.It ought always to be borne in mind that though nominally a constitutional country,Spain is governed by despotism the more infamous and dangerous as it decks itself in the garb of liberty.Whenever a native becomes obnoxious to the Government,he is instantly seized and imprisoned,though perhaps guilty of no crime which can be punished by law;foreigners have by law particular privileges,but these privileges are every day violated,and redress is seldom or never obtained;which proves that the law is a dead letter.
I know perfectly well that it is no infraction of the LAW to print or sell the Holy Scriptures,either with or without comment,in Spain.What then?Is there not such a thing as A ROYAL ORDINANCEto the effect that the Scriptures be seized wherever they are found?True it is that ordinance is an unlawful one:but what matters that,provided it be put into execution by the authorities civil and military?Too many Englishmen who visit Spain imagine that they carry their own highly favoured country at their back,a country in which the law rules supreme;but let them once be brought into collision with the Government,and they will soon learn how little it avails them to have right on their side whilst brute force is always at the call of their adversaries.
I have informed Mr.Jerningham that for some time past I have relinquished distributing the Scriptures in Spain -which is the truth.I therefore claim the privileges of a British subject and the protection of my Government.I shall return to England as soon as I can obtain some redress for this affair.It is then my intention to attempt to obtain an interview with some of the members of the House of Lords.I have important disclosures to make respecting the system of persecution which still exists in this country with respect to Protestants,who are not only debarred the exercise of their religion but to whom the common privilege of burial is denied:so much for the tolerance of Popery.Yet there are journals of talent and learning in England who,observing that British Protestants,alarmed at the progress which the Papal doctrine is making in the British islands,are concerting measures for their own defence,accuse them of raising once more the SENSELESS BRAY AGAINST POPERY;as if every unprejudiced person was not aware that Popery is an unrelenting fiend which never spares when it has the power to crush -and that power I am afraid it will soon possess in Britain,unless the poor down-trodden Protestants stand back to back and combat the monster to the death.This is no vain alarm,I assure you;therefore I beg that you will not smile.
Few people know more of the secrets of Popery than myself,or the stand which she intends to take when time and place serve.
Therefore in conclusion let me entreat those of our friends who may hear these lines read to be on their guard,to drop all petty dissensions,and to comport themselves like brothers.Protestants must no longer be disunited.
I will write again in a day or two.
May the Lord be with you,Revd.and dear Sir.