The members of the English Parliament are fond of comparing themselves to the old Romans.
Not long since Mr.Shippen opened a speech in the House of Commons with these words,"The majesty of the people of England would be wounded."The singularity of the expression occasioned a loud laugh;but this gentleman,so far from being disconcerted,repeated the same words with a resolute tone of voice,and the laugh ceased.
In my opinion,the majesty of the people of England has nothing in common with that of the people of Rome,much less is there any affinity between their Governments.There is in London a senate,some of the members whereof are accused (doubtless very unjustly)of selling their voices on certain occasions,as was done in Rome;this is the only resemblance.Besides,the two nations appear to me quite opposite in character,with regard both to good and evil.The Romans never knew the dreadful folly of religious wars,an abomination reserved for devout preachers of patience and humility.
Marius and Sylla,Caesar and Pompey,Anthony and Augustus,did not draw their swords and set the world in a blaze merely to determine whether the flamen should wear his shirt over his robe,or his robe over his shirt,or whether the sacred chickens should eat and drink,or eat only,in order to take the augury.The English have hanged one another by law,and cut one another to pieces in pitched battles,for quarrels of as trifling a nature.The sects of the Episcopalians and Presbyterians quite distracted these very serious heads for a time.But I fancy they will hardly ever be so silly again,they seeming to be grown wiser at their own expense;and I do not perceive the least inclination in them to murder one another merely about syllogisms,as some zealots among them once did.
But here follows a more essential difference between Rome and England,which gives the advantage entirely to the latter--viz.,that the civil wars of Rome ended in slavery,and those of the English in liberty.The English are the only people upon earth who have been able to prescribe limits to the power of kings by resisting them;and who,by a series of struggles,have at last established that wise Government where the Prince is all-powerful to do good,and,at the same time,is restrained from committing evil;where the nobles are great without insolence,though there are no vassals;and where the people share in the Government without confusion.