"Turn to the light. I wish to see people when I speak to them.
You were observed by some friends of mine; your conduct excited remark. Do you know your business as a lady's groom?""I have had seven years' experience, my lady.""Your business is to ride at a certain distance behind your mistress. Has your experience taught you that?""Yes, my lady."
"You were not riding behind Miss Mina--your horse was almost side by side with hers. Do you deny it?""No, my lady."
"You behaved with the greatest impropriety--you were seen talking to Miss Mina. Do you deny that?""No, my lady."
"Leave the room. No! come back. Have you any excuse to make?""None, my lady."
"Your insolence is intolerable! I shall speak to the General."The sound of the closing door followed.