"Don't you really know, Edwin? She is richer even than papa--she has inherited from her late brother one half-share in the great business in the City. Miss Benshaw is the lady who disappointed papa by not coming to the garden-party. You remember, dear, how happy we were when we were together at Mr. Atherton's? I was very miserable when they took me away. Miss Benshaw happened to call the next day and she noticed it. 'My dear,' she said (Miss Benshaw is quite an elderly lady now), 'I am an old maid, who has missed the happiness of her life, through not having had a friend to guide and advise her when she was young. Are you suffering as I once suffered?' She spoke so nicely--and I was so wretched--that I really couldn't help it. I opened my heart to her."Cosway looked grave. "Are you sure she is to be trusted?" he asked.
"Perfectly sure."
"Perhaps, my love, she has spoken about us (not meaning any harm)to some friend of hers? Old ladies are so fond of gossip. It's just possible--don't you think so?"Adela hung her head.