"I don't want any," she murmured.
The waiter turned away in pity and was re-entering the window, when a passionate whisper fell upon his ear as well as upon Ariel's.
"Ma'am?" said the waiter.
"I've changed my mind," she replied, quickly.
The waiter, his elation restored, gave of his viands with the superfluous bounty loved by his race when distributing the product of the wealthy.
When he had gone, "Give me everything that's hot," said Joe."You can keep the salad.""I couldn't eat it or anything else," she answered, thrusting the plate between the palms.
For a time there was silence.From within the house came the continuous babble of voices and laughter, the clink of cutlery on china.The young people spent a long time over their supper.By-and-by the waiter returned to the veranda, deposited a plate of colored ices upon Ariel's knees with a noble gesture, and departed.
"No ice for me," said Joe.
"Won't you please go now?" she entreated!
"It wouldn't be good manners," he responded.
"They might think I only came for supper--""Hand me back the things.The waiter might come for them any minute.""Not yet.I haven't quite finished.I eat with contemplation, Ariel, because there's more than the mere food and the warmth of it to consider.
There's the pleasure of being entertained by the great Martin Pike.Think what a real kindness I'm doing him, too.I increase his good deeds and his hospitality without his knowing it or being able to help it.Don't you see how I boost his standing with the Recording Angel? If Lazarus had behaved the way I do, Dives needn't have had those worries that came to him in the after-life.""Give me the dish and coffee-cup," she whispered, impatiently."Suppose the waiter came and had to look for them? Quick!""Take them, then.You'll see that jealousy hasn't spoiled my appetite--"A bottle-shaped figure appeared in the window and she had no time to take the plate and cup which were being pushed through the palm-leaves.
She whispered a syllable of warning, and the dishes were hurriedly withdrawn as Norbert Flitcroft, wearing a solemn expression of injury, came out upon the veranda.
He halted suddenly."What's that?" he asked, with suspicion.
"Nothing," answered Ariel, sharply."Where?""Behind those palms.""Probably your own shadow," she laughed; "or it might have been a draught moving the leaves."He did not seem satisfied, but stared hard at the spot where the dishes had disappeared, meantime edging back cautiously nearer the window.
"They want you," he said, after a pause."Some one's come for you.""Oh, is grandfather waiting?" She rose, at the same time letting her handkerchief fall.She stooped to pick it up, with her face away from Norbert and towards the palms, whispering tremulously, but with passionate urgency, "Please GO!""It isn't your grandfather that has come for you," said the fat one, slowly."It is old Eskew Arp.Something's happened."She looked at him for a moment, beginning to tremble violently, her eyes growing wide with fright.
"Is my grandfather--is he sick?"
"You better go and see.Old Eskew's waiting in the hall.He'll tell you."She was by him and through the window instantly.
Norbert did not follow her; he remained for several moments looking earnestly at the palms;then he stepped through the window and beckoned to a youth who was lounging in the doorway across the room.
"There's somebody hiding behind those plants,"he whispered, when his friend reached him."Go and tell Judge Pike to send some of the niggers to watch outside the porch, so that he doesn't get away.Then tell him to get his revolver and come here."Meanwhile Ariel had found Mr.Arp waiting in the hall, talking in a low voice to Mrs.Pike.
"Your grandfather's all right," he told the frightened girl, quickly."He sent me for you, that's all.Just hurry and get your things."She was with him again in a moment, and seizing the old man's arm, hurried him down the steps and toward the street almost at a run.
"You're not telling me the truth," she said.
"You're not telling me the truth!"
"Nothing has happened to Roger," panted Mr.
Arp."Nothing to mind, I mean.Here! We're going this way, not that." They had come to the gate, and as she turned to the right he pulled her round sharply to the left."We're not going to your house.""Where are we going?""We're going to your uncle Jonas's."
"Why?" she cried, in supreme astonishment.
"What do you want to take me there for? Don't you know that he's stopped speaking to me?""Yes," said the old man, grimly, with something of the look he wore when delivering a clincher at the "National House,"--"he's stopped speaking to everybody."